Primary Antibodies

3102 products

Showing 505 - 528 of 3102 products
Western blot analysis of Hct116 src transformed cells (20 µg/lane) serum starved overnight or treated with pervanadate (1 mM) for 30 min. The blot was probed with anti-β-Catenin or anti-β-Catenin (Tyr-142)Formalin fixed, citric acid treated parafin sections of embryonic Rat E16 intestines. Sections were probed with anti-β-Catenin (CP1061) then anti-Rabbit:HRP before detection using DAB. (Images provided by Carl Hobbs and Dr. Pat Doherty at Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, King's College London).
Western blot analysis of A431 cells stimulated with pervanadate (1 mM) for 30 min (lanes 1, 3, & 5) then treated with akaline phosphatase (lanes 2, 4, & 6). The blot was probed with anti-γ-Catenin (CM1111), anti-β-Catenin (Tyr-489) conserved site (CP2961), or anti-β-Catenin (CM1181).Formalin fixed, citric acid treated parafin sections of embryonic Rat E16 intestines. Sections were probed with anti-β-Catenin (CM1181) then anti-mouse:HRP before detection using DAB. (Images provided by Carl Hobbs and Dr. Pat Doherty at Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases, King's College London).
Western blot analysis of Caspase-3 in multiple human tissues using CM4911 at 1:100. The tissues shown are A) brain, B) heart, C) intestine, D) kidney, E) liver, F) lung, G) muscle, H) stomach, I) spleen, J) ovary, and K) testis. Lanes 1, 2 and 3 demonstrate the species crossreactivity of the antibody in human, mouse and rat heart lysate, respectively.Induction of apoptosis after combination treatment was marked by poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage and caspase-3 (cat. CM4911) activation. Western blots of single or combination treatment of LNCaP (48 h), DU145, PC-3 or CHO cells (all 72 h) with 1.0 µg/ml SO1861 and 2.5 nM EGF-PE24mutΔREDLK. β-actin was used as a loading control. *CHO cells are not of human origin - detection of human Caspase-3 was not possible in this cell line. Image from publication CC-BY-4.0. PMID: 37859824
Immunocytochemical labeling of VE-Cadherin in paraformaldehyde-fixed and NP-40-permeabilized human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The cells were labeled with rabbit polyclonal VE-Cadherin (a.a. 770-781), then the antibody was detected using appropriate secondary antibody conjugated to Cy3. Phase image (left) and fluorescent image (right).

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