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2579 products

Showing 1969 - 1992 of 2579 products
Adult rat sciatic nerve immunofluorescence staining: paranodes labeled with N244/5 (red) surround nodes of Ranvier labeled with Beta-IV spectrin (green) (image on right is cross-section of a similar image of left). Images courtesy of Matt Rasband (Baylor College of Medicine).Immunoblot versus adult rat brain membranes (RBM) and adult mouse brain membranes from wild-type (WT) and SynCAM4 knockout (KO) mice and probed with N244/5 (left) and K89/41 (right) TC supe. Samples courtesy of Matt Rasband, Baylor College of Medicine.
Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Adult rat brain immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with HA-tagged SynDIG3 or untagged Kv2.1 plasmid and probed with N160/21 (left) and K89/41 (right) TC supe.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with HA-tagged Tafazzin or untagged Kv2.1 plasmid and probed with N173B/13 (left) and 12CA5 (right) TC supe.

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