
2073 products

Showing 313 - 336 of 2073 products
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with GFP-tagged CDY1, HA- and Flag- tagged CDYL1 and CDYL2 and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N143/36 (left panel), anti-Flag (middle panel) and K89/34 (right panel) TC supe.
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with GFP-tagged CDY1, HA- and Flag- tagged CDYL1 and CDYL2 and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N143/38 (left panel), anti-Flag (middle panel) and K89/34 (right panel) TC supe.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and low-speed pellet (RBLSP) immunoblot.
Immunoblot against crude membranes from whole adult mouse brain (MBM) or rat brain (RBM) and from human hippocampus [HBM(H)], cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] or cerebellum [HBM(Cb)] probed with N18/28 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe.Immunofluorescence staining of 14 DIV cultured rat hippocampal neurons.
Immunolabeling of postnatal 14 mouse CA3 specifically labeling PSD93 (Cat no 75-057, 1:400, green) and Ankyrin G(red). DNA labeled with DAPI. Mice were transcardially perfused with ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, then brain removed and postfixed overnight. The 50uM slices were floating sections. Objective 25x, scale bar = 20um. Images kindly provided by Jorge Ramirez-Franco and Oussama El Far, Aix-Marseille Université and INSERM. Immunoblot against crude membranes from whole adult rat brain (RBM) or hippocampi (MHM) from adult PSD-93/Chapsyn-110 knockout (KO) or wild-type (WT) mice. Mouse samples courtesy of Richard Huganir (Johns Hopkins University).

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