
2073 products

Showing 649 - 672 of 2073 products
Cultured rat hippocampal neuron immunofluorescence. Image courtesy of Anthone Dunah (Harvard) and Morgan Sheng (MIT).Adult rat hippocampus immunofluorescence under standard protocol (left) and with antigen retrieval via pepsin pretreatment (right).
Immunofluorescence staining of sections from adult GluN2C/NR2C wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mouse cerebellum with N422/18 (GluN2C/NR2C, red) and L106/83 (Gephyrin, green) TC supe. Tissue courtesy of Sharon Swanger and Stephen Traynelis (Emory).Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Immunofluorescence staining of unpermerabilized COS cells transiently transfected with GFP- tagged GluN3A/NR3a and GluN1/NR1 plasmids with N416/40 (red). Images courtesy of Sonia Marco Martinez and Isabel Perez- Otano (University of Navarra).Immunoblot against crude membranes from neonatal or adult rat brain (RBM) and extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with untagged GluN3A/NR3A or Kv2.1 plasmid probed with N416/40 (left) or K35/40 (right) TC supe.

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