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2579 products

Showing 793 - 816 of 2579 products
Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with untagged GRK5, GRK6 and Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N142/28 TC supe.
Mixed neuron-glial cultures stained with CPCA-GAP43 (green) and rabbit antibody to alpha-II spectrin (RPCA-aII-Spec, red), and DNA (blue). The GAP43 antibody stains numerous axonal and dendritic profiles in these cultures, clearly revealing the submembraneous cytoskeleton and vesicles. Photo by Dr. Gerry Shaw, Univ. Florida.GAP-43 immunoreactivity in a neuroblast within a neurosphere culture. Chicken anti-GAP-43 antibody (1:500 dilution), Fluorescein-goat anti-chicken IgY secondary antibody (Aves Labs, 1:500). Photomicrograph by Hoda Ilias, Aves Labs.
Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Bacterially expressed GST fusion protein immunoblot.
NeuroMab Anti-GST Antibody
Sale price$319
Western blot. Left Lane -- Cultured COS cells were transfected with a plasmid containing the SAP1a cDNA fused with an HA epitope tag at its C-terminus. Right Lane -- COS transfected with an empty plasmid vector. 25 µg of protein loaded in each lane.Immunolabeling of mouse hindbrain dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) neurons expressing an hM3Dq-HA tag (Anti-HA Epitope Tag, Cat ET-HA100, 1:200). The image is kindly provided by Nicholas Conley, Neuroscience Graduate Program, University of Virginia.
Transfected cell immunofluorescence: COS cells expressing Myc-tagged human Haspin. Red = rabbit anti-Myc, Green = N128A/2, Blue = Hoechst nuclear stain.Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transfected with Myc- tagged human Haspin and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N128A/2 (left) and K89/41 (right) tissue culture supernatant.

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