Carrier Free Antibodies Coming Soon!

Discover the power of our NeuroMabs! Our highly validated, and cited range will feature over 400 carrier-free antibodies.
Elevate your research with NeuroMabs today!

Although multiplex assays are powerful research tools, scientists have struggled to gain access to the relevant labeled antibodies required to run such assays.

To support the advancement of neuroscience research, we will soon offer a carrier-free format (conjugation ready) of NeuroMab antibodies delivering the following benefits:

  • Ideal for antibody labeling (conjugation) as the antibody PBS only formulation is free of BSA, Sodium Azide, and Tris.
  • The carrier free formulation is compatible with a variety of different labels such as fluorescent dyes/proteins, enzymes, biotin/streptavidin, oligonucleotides, and heavy metals.
  • Provided at the optimal concentration (1mg/ml) for conjugation.
  • 400+ NeuroMabs available.
  • Products ready to ship within 3 working days, NOT WEEKS.


Neurodegeneration and dementia continue to rise with the aging population, with related diseases states such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's having no cures. Accordingly, neuroscience research has evolved as one of the most dynamic and interdisciplinary fields of research.

The Complexity of the Brain

The brain is the most complex organ in the body, consisting of billions of neurons, all connected, creating an incredibly dense network of communication. This complex and vast connectivity underpins thoughts, emotions, and actions, making the task of decoding the brain's activity a formidable challenge.

The Emergence of Multiplexing

Multiplexing is a powerful technique that allows the simultaneous visualization or measurement of multiple proteins, thereby providing a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of brain activity and/or cell types.

Typical multiplexing assays include:

  • Immunohistochemistry - spatial biology, spatial-omics, and single cell analysis
  • Immunofluorescence
  • Immunoassays
  • Drug discovery - TR-FRET, HTRF, and bead-based assays
  • Flow cytometry - CyTOF

NeuroMab Carrier Free Antibodies for Multiplexing

The NeuroMab collection of mouse monoclonal antibodies have been highly validated in brain applications (ICC, IHC, WB, and IP), and several have been shown to be protein specific through knockout validation. Additionally, NeuroMabs have been cited in >6,200 publications.

Keep an eye out for our upcoming launch of carrier-free antibodies.
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Related Products:

Antibody Labeling Kits - COMING SOON
Antibody Conjugates
Secondary Antibodies
Cell Viability, Metabolism Assays, and Biochemicals


Antibody products