In 2019, we shared the exciting news that PhosphoSolutions joined Antibodies Inc. This year, PhosphoSolutions is moving from Colorado to Davis, California to join Antibodies Incorporated, Aves Labs, and ImmunoChemistry Technologies. At Antibodies Inc. we're bringing brands together to offer a wide range of complementary products and services to better support our customers.
Manufacturing of our products will be moving to our California laboratories. There will be a brief pause in shipping from March 5-7 while our product inventory is safely shipped from Denver to Davis. Normal shipping will resume March 10, and after this date all PhosphoSolutions products will arrive at your bench from our new California location!
Our new mailing address will be:
P.O. Box 1560
Davis, CA 95617-1560
ph: (530) 758-4400
fax: (530) 758-6307
Please continue to place orders by email or on our website:
Although our location has changed, what will never change is our commitment to provide you with the highest quality Antibodies that Work! We greatly appreciate your continued partnership!