Myeloperoxidase Detection Kit

A sensitive kit to detect myeloperoxidase activity in neutrophils and macrophages as well as detecting PMN infiltration in tissue samples. Enables monitoring of multiple time points to follow kinetics and is adaptable to high throughput screening.


Size: 500 Tests
1-2 business days
Sale price$522.00

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is a highly cationic glycosylated hemoprotein that has a molecular weight of 144kD. The hemoprotein consists of two dimmers linked via a disulfide bridge. Each dimmer is composed of a heavy (53kD) and light (15kD) sub-unit. Each heavy chain contains an independently acting protoporphyrin group containing a central iron (1-5). MPO is present in the azurophilic granules of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and is unique to neutrophils and monocytes. However, monocytes contain only one third of the MPO found in PMNs. MPO utilizes H2O2 produced by the neutrophils to oxidize a variety of aromatic compounds to give substrate radicals for bactericidal activity. This enzyme is unique however in that it can oxidize chloride ions to produce a strong nonradical oxidant, HOCl. HOCl is the most powerful bactericidal produced by neutrophils. Excessive production of these radicals can cause oxidative stress leading to oxidative tissue injury. The investigation of MPO has been important in the study of acute and chronic inflammatory disorders due to oxidative tissue damage and in acute and chronic manifestations of cardiovascular disease.

Our Myeloperoxidase Detection Kit is a sensitive kit to detect MPO activity in neutrophils and macrophages as well as detection of PMN infiltration in tissue samples. The kit allows the monitoring of multiple time points to follow kinetics and is adaptable to high throughput screening. The kit utilizes a non‐fluorescent detection reagent, which is oxidized in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and MPO to produce its fluorescent analog which can be detected using 530-571 nm excitation and 590-600 nm emission.

The Fluoro MPO is a sensitive kit to detect myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in neutrophils and macrophages as well as detection of PMN infiltration in tissue samples. The investigation of MPO has been important in the study of acute and chronic inflammatory disorders due to oxidative tissue damage and in acute and chronic manifestations of cardiovascular disease. The kit allows the monitoring of multiple time points to follow kinetics and is adaptable for high throughput screening.

Fluorescence plate reader
2-8 °C
Ships overnight (domestic), International Priority Shipping
United States
  • Part# 4007: Detection Reagent, 1 Vial (-20C)
  • Part# 3002: 10X Assay Buffer, 60mL (2-8C)
  • Part# 3012: Hydrogen Peroxide, 1000µL of a Stabilized 3% Solution (2-8C)
  • Part# 6015: Myeloperoxidase, 1 Vial at 30Units/mL (2-8C)
  • Part# 4011: APF, 1 Vial (2-8C)
  • Bulk Order Myeloperoxidase Detection Kit

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