Hematoxylin, PROBE

This uniquely formulated Probe hematoxylin is an excellent counterstain for in situ DNA hybridization procedure.

SKU: AR-6521-03

Volume: 250 ml
Sale price$94.00
Ships: 1-2 business days
This uniquely formulated Probe hematoxylin is an excellent counterstain for in situ DNA hybridization procedure. Probe hematoxylin produces clean blue color of nuclei on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections and frozen sections and is stable for 2-3 years when kept in the dark. Probe hematoxylin will produce a blue nuclear counterstain which is lighter than conventional hematoxylin counterstain. The counterstain can be used with HRP chromogens, AEC, DAB and alkaline phosphatase chromogens, fast red, BCIP/INT and super fast red (ImmunoBioScience). Sides stained with this hematoxylin can be mounted with aqueous or organic mounting mediums.
Ready to use counterstain for in situ hybridization
Room Temperature
Ships overnight (domestic), International Priority Shipping
For research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures. FOR IN VITRO LABORATORY USE ONLY
United States
  1. After chromogen staining, wash slide 2-3X with de/di water.
  2. Apply Probe hematoxylin for 2-3 minutes; wash with tap water 5-7X.
  3. Soak the slides in Immuno Automation buffer (ImmunoBioScience AR-6561), PBS or any buffer with pH 7.4-8 for 2-3 minutes. Hematoxylin changes color from purple red to blue.
  4. Wash slide 2-3X with de/di water.
  5. The slides can be mounted with aqueous mounting medium (ImmunoHistoMount (AR-6503) or equivalent) for chromogens like AEC, DAB, Fast red, BCIP/INT, or Super Fast red. DAB and Super Fast can be mounted with Organic mounting mediums like Organo mount / limonene (AR-6504) or equivalent after dehydrating the tissue with alcohols and organic solvents.

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