Anti-Nav1.8 Na+ Channel Antibody (N134/12)

Our Anti-Nav1.8 Na+ channel mouse monoclonal primary antibody from NeuroMab is produced in-house from hybridoma clone N134/12. It is KO validated, detects human, mouse, and rat Nav1.8 Na+ channel, and is purified by Protein A chromatography. It is great for use in IHC, ICC, WB.

SKU: 75-166

Volume: 100 µL
Sale price$385.00
Ships: 1-2 business days

Product Specific References for Applications and Species

Immunocytochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
391422811:1000Kantarci, H., et al. 2024. Schwann cell-secreted PGE2 promotes sensory neuron excitability during development. Cell, 4690-4712.e30.
Immunocytochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
344319811:500Isensee, J., et al. . Depolarization induces nociceptor sensitization by CaV1.2-mediated PKA-II activation. Journal of Cell Biology, e202002083.
315014501:200Vysokov, N., et al. . The role of Na V channels in synaptic transmission after axotomy in a microfluidic culture platform. Scientific Reports, 12915.
244533371:2000Acosta, C., et al. . TREK2 expressed selectively in IB4-binding C-fiber nociceptors hyperpolarizes their membrane potentials and limits spontaneous pain.. Journal of Neuroscience, 1494-509.
242783111:500Tsantoulas, C., et al. . Probing functional properties of nociceptive axons using a microfluidic culture system.. PLoS One, e80722.
211185381:100Persson, A.K., et al. . Sodium-calcium exchanger and multiple sodium channel isoforms in intra-epidermal nerve terminals. . Molecular Pain, 1744-8069.
Immunohistochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
22794211Kim, Y.S., et al. . Expression of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 in human dental pulp. Journal of Endodontics, 1087-92.
Immunohistochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
39582088not listedLenert, M.E., et al. 2024. Sensory neuron LKB1 mediates ovarian and reproductive function. Scientific Reports, 29109.
391422811:200Kantarci, H., et al. 2024. Schwann cell-secreted PGE2 promotes sensory neuron excitability during development. Cell, 4690-4712.e30.
349670031:500Mason, B.N., et al. . Prolactin signaling modulates stress-induced behavioral responses in a preclinical mouse model of migraine. Headache, 11-25.
32077526Song, G.J., et al. . Loss-of-function of EBP50 is a new cause of hereditary peripheral neuropathy: EBP50 functions in peripheral nerve system. Glia, 1794-809.
312901571:500Lainez, S., et al. . HCN3 ion channels: roles in sensory neuronal excitability and pain. The Journal of Physiology, 4661-75.
296975311:1000Tsantoulas, C., et al. . Mice lacking Kcns1 in peripheral neurons show increased basal and neuropathic pain sensitivity. Pain, 1641-51.
259954841:10Lu, V.B., et al. . A 3.7 kb fragment of the mouse Scn10a gene promoter directs neural crest but not placodal lineage EGFP expression in a transgenic animal.. Journal of Neuroscience, 8021-34.
256008721:250François, A., et al. . The Low-Threshold Calcium Channel Cav3.2 Determines Low-Threshold Mechanoreceptor Function.. Cell Report, 370-82.
249038311:200Montersino, A., et al. . Tetrodotoxin-resistant voltage-gated sodium channel Nav 1.8 constitutively interacts with ankyrin G.. Journal of Neurochemistry, 33-41.
238849571:500Lippoldt, E.K., et al. . Artemin, a glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor family member, induces TRPM8-dependent cold pain.. Journal of Neuroscience, 12543-52.
234079431:500Knowlton, W.M., et al. . A sensory-labeled line for cold: TRPM8-expressing sensory neurons define the cellular basis for cold, cold pain, and cooling-mediated analgesia. Journal of Neuroscience, 2837-48.
Immunohistochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
384835561:2000Messina, DN, et al. 2024. Complex alterations in inflammatory pain and analgesic sensitivity in young and ageing female rats: involvement of ASIC3 and Nav1.8 in primary sensory neurons. Inflammation Research, 669-691.
364785411:2000Messina, D.N., et al. 2022. Age-dependent and Modality-specific Changes in the Phenotypic Markers Nav1.8, ASIC3, P2X3 and TRPM8 in Male Rat Primary Sensory Neurons During Healthy Aging. Biogerontology, 111-136.
1:1000Tsantoulas, C., et al. 2022. HCN2 Ion Channels Drive Pain in Rodent Models of Migraine. The Journal of Neuroscience, 7513-7529.
25609640not listedRitter, D.M., et al. . Dysregulation of Kv3.4 channels in dorsal root ganglia following spinal cord injury.. Journal of Neuroscience, 1260-73.
236424080.25 µg/mLLiang, L., et al. . Protein kinase B/Akt is required for complete Freund''s adjuvant-induced upregulation of Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 in primary sensory neurons.. The Journal of Pain, 638-47.
219656681:500Ruangsri, S., et al. . Relationship of axonal voltage-gated sodium channel 1.8 (NaV1.8) mRNA accumulation to sciatic nerve injury-induced painful neuropathy in rats. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 39836-47.
211185381:100Persson, A.K., et al. . Sodium-calcium exchanger and multiple sodium channel isoforms in intra-epidermal nerve terminals. . Molecular Pain, 1744-8069.
MicroArray: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
349310701:500Yang, N.J., et al. . Anthrax toxins regulate pain signaling and can deliver molecular cargoes into ANTXR2+ DRG sensory neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 168-79.
Western Blot: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
336362251:1000Sun, L., et al. . MicroRNA-96 is required to prevent allodynia by repressing voltage-gated sodium channels in spinal cord. Progress in Neurobiology, 102024.
285152301:1000Isensee, J., et al. . Crosstalk from cAMP to ERK1/2 emerges during postnatal maturation of nociceptive neurons and is maintained during aging. Journal of Cell Science, 2134-46.
Western Blot: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
237929471:1000Zhao, X., et al. 2013. A long noncoding RNA contributes to neuropathic pain by silencing Kcna2 in primary afferent neurons.. Nature Neuroscience, 1024-1031.
236424081:1000Liang, L., et al. . Protein kinase B/Akt is required for complete Freund''s adjuvant-induced upregulation of Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 in primary sensory neurons.. The Journal of Pain, 638-47.
20026672not listedHoffman, E.M., et al. . Fixative Composition Alters Distributions of Immunoreactivity for Glutaminase and Two Markers of Nociceptive Neurons, Nav1.8 and TRPV1, in the Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 329-44.
Additional Publications: Unspecified
PMID Publication
21729793Spofford, C.M., et al. . Evaluation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in a rat model of postoperative pain. The Journal of Pain, 819-32.

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