Dilution |
Publication |
39841848 | 1:1000 | Kawase, K, et al. 2025. Significance of birth in the maintenance of quiescent neural stem cells. Science Advances, eadn6377. |
39476834 | not listed | Zhang, F, et al. 2024. m6A/YTHDF2-mediated mRNA decay targets TGF-β signaling to suppress the quiescence acquisition of early postnatal mouse hippocampal NSCs. Cell Stem Cell, . |
39294372 | 1:500 | Yue, W.W.S., et al. 2024. Endogenous opioid signalling regulates spinal ependymal cell proliferation. Nature, . |
38977310 | 1:1000 | Pastor-Alonso, O., et al. 2024. HB-EGF activates EGFR to induce reactive neural stem cells in the mouse hippocampus after seizures. Life Science Alliance, . |
38971831 | 1:500 | Zhao, T., et al. 2024. Epigenetic maintenance of adult neural stem cell quiescence in the mouse hippocampus via Setd1a. Nature Communications, 5674. |
37540708 | 1:500 | Wong, W, et al. 2023. An adhesion signaling axis involving Dystroglycan, β1-Integrin, and Cas adaptor proteins regulates the establishment of the cortical glial scaffold. PLoS Biology, e3002212. |
37156778 | 1:200 | Li, Y., et al. 2023. Neutralization of excessive levels of active TGF-β1 reduces MSC recruitment and differentiation to mitigate peritendinous adhesion. Bone Research, 24. |
37054704 | 1:500 | Sun, X.L., et al. 2023. Stem Cell Competition Driven by the Axin2-p53 Axis Controls Brain Size During Murine Development. Developmental Cell, 744-759. |
36089914 | 1:200 | Luo, W., et al. 2022. Remyelination in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder is promoted by edaravone through mTORC1 signaling activation. Glia, 284-304. |
35963237 | 1:500 | Chi, S., et al. 2022. Astrocytic Piezo1-mediated mechanotransduction determines adult neurogenesis and cognitive functions. Neuron, 2984-2999. |
35328825 | not listed | Rodríguez-Iglesias, N., et al. 2022. Susceptibility of Female Mice to the Dietary Omega-3/Omega-6 Fatty-Acid Ratio: Effects on Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Glia. International journal of molecular sciences, 3399. |
34982030 | 1:400 | Guo, N., et al. 2022. Transcriptional regulation of neural stem cell expansion in the adult hippocampus. Elife, e72195. |
34562292 | not listed | Liu, X., et al. 2021. Arid1a regulates neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation during cortical development. Cell Proliferation, e13124. |
34526402 | 1:500 | Doi, H., et al. 2021. Early-life midazolam exposure persistently changes chromatin accessibility to impair adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognition. PNAS: USA, e2107596118. |
33646122 | 1:300 | Sun, Q., et al. 2021. Parathyroid hormone attenuates osteoarthritis pain by remodeling subchondral bone in mice. Elife, e66532. |
33338666 | not listed | Khalid, A.B., et al. 2021. GATA4 regulates mesenchymal stem cells via direct transcriptional regulation of the WNT signalosome. Bone, 115819. |
32068188 | 1:200 | Matuzelski, E., et al. 2020. Expression of NFIA and NFIB within the murine spinal cord. Gene Expression Patterns, 119098. |
31059735 | 1:1000 | Beligala, D.H., et al. 2019. Musashi-2 and related stem cell proteins in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus and their potential role in circadian rhythms. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 44-58. |
30929900 | not listed | Berg, D.A., et al. 2019. A Common Embryonic Origin of Stem Cells Drives Developmental and Adult Neurogenesis.. Cell Reports, 654-668. |
30840538 | 1:400 | Bott, C.J., et al. 2019. Nestin in immature embryonic neurons affects axon growth cone morphology and Semaphorin3a sensitivity.. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 1214-1229. |
30742117 | 1:500 | Shen, M., et al. 2019. Reduced mitochondrial fusion and Huntingtin levels contribute to impaired dendritic maturation and behavioral deficits in Fmr1-mutant mice. Nature Neuroscience, 386-400. |
30304535 | 1:600 | Neville Little, J., et al. 2019. p53 deletion rescues lethal microcephaly in a mouse model with neural stem cell abscission defects. Human Molecular Genetics, 434-447. |
30355452 | 1:250 | Cheng, C.C., et al. 2018. Hair follicle epidermal stem cells define a niche for tactile sensation. eLIFE, e38883. |
30174295 | 1:250 | Zhou, Y., et al. 2018. Autocrine Mfge8 Signaling Prevents Developmental Exhaustion of the Adult Neural Stem Cell Pool.. Cell Stem Cell, 444-452. |
30004576 | not listed | Yamada, S., et al. 2018. Expression profile of the STAND protein Nwd1 in the developing and mature mouse central nervous system. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2099-2114. |
29684005 | 1:500 | Wong, S.Z.H., et al. 2018. In vivo clonal analysis reveals spatiotemporal regulation of thalamic nucleogenesis. Plos One, e2005211. |
29478897 | 1:1000 | Crowther, A.J., et al. 2018. An Adeno-Associated Virus-Based Toolkit for Preferential Targeting and Manipulating Quiescent Neural Stem Cells in the Adult Hippocampus. Stem Cell Reports, 1146-1159. |
29463313 | not listed | Xiao, X., et al. 2018. Lymphotoxin β receptor-mediated NFκB signaling promotes glial lineage differentiation and inhibits neuronal lineage differentiation in mouse brain neural stem/progenitor cells. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 49. |
29416028 | 1:300 | Wang, X., et al. 2018. Inhibition of overactive TGF-β attenuates progression of heterotopic ossification in mice. Nature Communications, 551. |
29355842 | 1:300 | Wang, X., et al. 2018. Aberrant TGF-β activation in bone tendon insertion induces enthesopathy-like disease. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 846-860. |
29292230 | 1:10,000 | Huang, H., et al. 2018. Bone resorption deficiency affects tooth root development in RANKL mutant mice due to attenuated IGF-1 signaling in radicular odontoblasts. Bone, 161-171. |
29276142 | 1:1000 | Jinnou, H., et al. 2018. Radial Glial Fibers Promote Neuronal Migration and Functional Recovery after Neonatal Brain Injury. Cell Stem Cell, 128-137. |
29101351 | 1:100 | Li, C., et al. 2017. Programmed cell senescence in skeleton during late puberty. Nature Communications, 1312. |
29089377 | 1:1000 | Nakamuta, S., et al. 2017. Dual role for DOCK7 in tangential migration of interneuron precursors in the postnatal forebrain. Journal of Cell Biology, 4313-4330. |
28826723 | not listed | Yoon, K.J., et al. 2017. Zika-Virus-Encoded NS2A Disrupts Mammalian Cortical Neurogenesis by Degrading Adherens Junction Proteins. Cell Stem Cell, 349-358. |
28771884 | 1:500 | Kimura, A., et al. 2017. HMGB2 expression is associated with transition from a quiescent to an activated state of adult neural stem cells. Developmental Dynamics, 229-238. |
28642362 | not listed | Renault-Mihara, F., et al. 2017. Regulation of RhoA by STAT3 coordinates glial scar formation. Journal of Cell Biology, 2533-2550. |
28154169 | 1:500 | Su, W., et al. 2017. CD44 and Hyaluronan Regulate Adult Hippocampal Neural Stem Cell Quiescence and Differentiation. Journal Biochemical Chemistry, 4434-4445. |
28100736 | 1:500 | Jobe, E.M., et al. 2016. Methyl-CpG binding protein MBD1 regulates neuronal lineage commitment through maintaining adult neural stem cell identity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 523-536. |
27778125 | not listed | Shimozaki, K., et al. 2016. Ten-Eleven Translocation 1 and 2 Confer Overlapping Transcriptional Programs for the Proliferation of Cultured Adult Neural Stem Cells. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 995-1008. |
27256073 | 1:300 | Bian, Q., et al. 2016. Excessive Activation of TGFβ by Spinal Instability Causes Vertebral Endplate Sclerosis. Nature Scientific Reports, 27093. |
26837060 | 1:300 | Xie, L., et al. 2016. Systemic neutralization of TGF‐β attenuates osteoarthritis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 53-64. |
26209457 | 1:2000 | Langness, S., et al. 2015. Vagus Nerve Mediates the Neural Stem Cell Response to Intestinal Injury. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 871-879. |
25068123 | 1:500 | Zheng, L.S., et al. 2014. Mechanisms for interferon-α-induced depression and neural stem cell dysfunction. Stem Cell Reports, 73-84. |
24639124 | not listed | Hasegawa, Y., et al. 2014. Spatiotemporal Distribution of SUMOylation Components during Mouse Brain Development. The Journal of Comparative Neurology Research in Systems Neuroscience, 3020-3036. |
23831515 | 1:500 | Yuniarti, N., et al. 2013. Prenatal exposure to suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid perturbs corticogenesis. Neuroscience Research, 42-49. |
22865725 | 1:5000 | Hahn, Y.K., et al. 2012. HIV‐1 alters neural and glial progenitor cell dynamics in the central nervous system: Coordinated response to opiates during maturation. Glia, 1871-1887. |
21245095 | 1:250 | Pierfelice, T.J., et al. 2011. Notch3 activation promotes invasive glioma formation in a tissue site-specific manner. Cacncer Research, 1115-1125. |
20151365 | 1:500 | White, R.E., et al. 2010. Regional heterogeneity in astrocyte responses following contusive spinal cord injury in mice.. J Comp Neurol, 1370-1390. |