Dilution |
Publication |
39611874 | 1:500 | Tran, EL, et al. 2024. Genetic tools that target mechanoreceptors produce reliable labeling of bladder afferents and altered mechanosensation. American Journal of Physiology, . |
39747330 | 1:1500 | Glaser, EP, et al. 2025. Cytosolic phospholipase A2 in infiltrating monocyte derived macrophages does not impair recovery after spinal cord injury in female mice. Scientific Reports, 1. |
39701100 | 1:500 | Huey, EL, et al. 2025. The auditory midbrain mediates tactile vibration sensing. Cell, 104-120.e18. |
39643235 | 1:500 | Yu, S, et al. 2024. Peripheral and central innervation pattern of mechanosensory neurons in the trigeminal ganglion. Neuroscience, 558-566. |
38898273 | 1:200 | Qi, L, et al. 2024. Krause corpuscles are genital vibrotactile sensors for sexual behaviours. Nature, 926-934. |
38575590 | 1:500-1:1000 | Gautam, M, et al. 2024. Distinct local and global functions of mouse Aβ low-threshold mechanoreceptors in mechanical nociception. Nature Communications, 2911. |
38554393 | 1:50 | O'Brien, J, et al. 2024. Skin keratinocyte-derived SIRT1 and BDNF modulate mechanical allodynia in mouse models of diabetic neuropathy. Brain, 0. |
38471780 | 1:400 | Jeon, SM, et al. 2024. Skin Reinnervation by Collateral Sprouting Following Spared Nerve Injury in Mice. The Journal of Neuroscience, . |
38442711 | 1:500 | Qi, L, et al. 2024. A mouse DRG genetic toolkit reveals morphological and physiological diversity of somatosensory neuron subtypes. Cell, 1508-1526.e16. |
38367237 | 1:1000 | Rotterman, TM, et al. 2024. Modulation of central synapse remodeling after remote peripheral injuries by the CCL2-CCR2 axis and microglia. Cell reports, 113776. |
38233682 | 1:1000 | Tasnim, A., et al. 2024. The developmental timing of spinal touch processing alterations predicts behavioral changes in genetic mouse models of autism spectrum disorders. Nature Neuroscience, . |
37983226 | 1:1000 | Gakare, SG, et al. 2023. Glutamate delta-1 receptor regulates oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and myelination in normal and demyelinating conditions. PloS one, e0294583. |
37607547 | 1:500 | Koutsioumpa, C, et al. 2023. Skin-type-dependent development of murine mechanosensory neurons. Developmental Cell, . |
37541195 | 1:1000 | Wolfson, RL, et al. 2023. DRG afferents that mediate physiologic and pathologic mechanosensation from the distal colon. Cell, 3368-3385.e18. |
37416774 | not listed | Hu, M, et al. 2023. Defective Neurite Elongation and Branching in Nibp/Trappc9 Deficient Zebrafish and Mice. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 3226-3248. |
37350129 | 1:1500 | Glaser, EP, et al. 2023. Effects of Acute Ethanol Intoxication on Spinal Cord Injury Outcomes in Female Mice. Journal of Neurotrauma, 0. |
37208933 | 1:500 | Pukos, N, et al. 2023. Chronic Demyelination and Myelin Repair After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice: A Potential Link for Glutamatergic Axon Activity. Glia, 2093-2116. |
36788334 | 1:1000 | Lopez, J.A., et al. 2023. Caldendrin Represses Neurite Regeneration and Growth in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons. Scientific Reports, 2608. |
36745682 | 1:5000 | Tang, A.T., et al. 2023. Cell-Autonomous Requirement for ACE2 Across Organs in Lethal Mouse SARS-CoV-2 Infection. PLoS Biology, e3001989. |
36370710 | 1:5000 | Wang, X., et al. 2022. Driving Axon Regeneration By Orchestrating Neuronal And Non-Neuronal Innate Immune Responses Via The IFNγ-cGAS-STING Axis. Neuron, 236-255. |
36284453 | not listed | Cantu-Guerra, H.L., et al. 2022. Cochlear Hair Cell Innervation is Dependent on a Modulatory Function of Semaphorin-3A. Developmental Dynamics, 124-144. |
36087584 | 1:300 | Orr, B., et al. 2022. Activation and expansion of presynaptic signaling foci drives presynaptic homeostatic plasticity. Neuron, 3743-3759. |
35568187 | not listed | Madalena, K.M., et al. 2022. Genetic deletion of the glucocorticoid receptor in Cx3cr1+ myeloid cells is neuroprotective and improves motor recovery after spinal cord injury. Experimental neurology, 114114. |
35552394 | 1:200 | Wang, Y., et al. 2022. The WNT7A/WNT7B/GPR124/RECK signaling module plays an essential role in mammalian limb development. Development. |
35373589 | 1:1500 | Stewart, A., et al. 2022. Advanced Age and Neurotrauma Diminish Glutathione and Impair Antioxidant Defense after Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of neurotrauma, 1075-1089. |
34789880 | 1:500 | Emanuel, A.J., et al. 2021. Cortical responses to touch reflect subcortical integration of LTMR signals. Nature, 680-701. |
34731626 | 1:5000 | Parpaite, T., et al. 2021. Patch-seq of mouse DRG neurons reveals candidate genes for specific mechanosensory functions. Cell reports, 109914. |
34730998 | 1:1000 | Xu, Q., et al. 2021. Astrocytes contribute to pain gating in the spinal cord. Science advances, 6287. |
34637701 | 1:500 | Lehnert, B.P., et al. 2021. Mechanoreceptor synapses in the brainstem shape the central representation of touch. Cell, 5608-5621. |
34249440 | not listed | Huot, J.R., et al. 2021. Muscle weakness caused by cancer and chemotherapy is associated with loss of motor unit connectivity. American Journal of Cancer Research, 2990-3001. |
34031166 | 1:200 | Jeon, S.M., et al. 2021. Sex-dependent reduction in mechanical allodynia in the sural-sparing nerve injury model in mice lacking Merkel cells. Journal of Neuroscience, 5595-5619. |
33737707 | 1:1000 | Kopper, T.J., et al. 2021. The effects of myelin on macrophage activation are phenotypic specific via cPLA2 in the context of spinal cord injury inflammation. Scientific Reports, 6341. |
33422552 | 1:2500 | Stewartac, A.N., et al. 2021. Mitochondria exert age-divergent effects on recovery from spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology, 113597. |
33397712 | not listed | Sukhanov, N., et al. 2021. Differential Contribution of Cadm1–Cadm3 Cell Adhesion Molecules to Peripheral Myelinated Axons. Journal of Neuroscience, 1393-1400. |
33051853 | 1:250 | Chen, J.Y., et al. 2021. Lentiviral Interleukin-10 Gene Therapy Preserves Fine Motor Circuitry and Function After a Cervical Spinal Cord Injury in Male and Female Mice. Neurotherapeutics, 503-514. |
33333021 | 1:500 | Huang, S., et al. 2020. Lymph nodes are innervated by a unique population of sensory neurons with immunomodulatory potential. Cell, 441-459. |
32675174 | 1:1000 | Wang, Z., et al. 2020. The Purinergic Receptor P2rx3 is Required for Spiral Ganglion Neuron Branch Refinement during Development. eNeuro, . |
32554568 | 1:500 | Neubarth, N.L., et al. 2020. Meissner Corpuscles and Their Spatially Intermingled Afferents Underlie Gentle Touch Perception. Science, eabb2751. |
32380032 | 1:1000 | Orr, B.O., et al. 2020. Presynaptic homeostasis opposes disease progression in mouse models of ALS-like degeneration: evidence for homeostatic neuroprotection. Neuron, 95-111. |
31994726 | 1:2500 | Brooks, P.M., et al. 2020. Pou3f4‐expressing otic mesenchyme cells promote spiral ganglion neuron survival in the postnatal mouse cochlea. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1967-1985. |
31964686 | 1:500 | Hablitz, L.M., et al. 2020. Cannabinoid signaling recruits astrocytes to modulate presynaptic function in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. eNeuro, . |
31862897 | 1:200 | Morrey, J.D., et al. 2019. Zika virus infection causes temporary paralysis in adult mice with motor neuron synaptic retraction and evidence for proximal peripheral neuropathy. Scientific Reports, 19531. |
31780896 | 1:1000 | Kopper, T.J.,, et al. 2019. Delayed azithromycin treatment improves recovery after mouse spinal cord injury. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 490. |
31534133 | 1:400 | Bonnet, C., et al. 2019. Maladaptive activation of Nav1. 9 channels by nitric oxide causes triptan-induced medication overuse headache. Nature Communications, 4253. |
31309927 | 1:400 | Stavoe, A.K.H, et al. 2019. Expression of WIPI2B counteracts age-related decline in autophagosome biogenesis in neurons.. Elife, e44219. |
31248728 | 1:1000 | Zheng, Y., et al. 2019. Deep Sequencing of Somatosensory Neurons Reveals Molecular Determinants of Intrinsic Physiological Properties.. Neuron, 598-616. |
31209173 | 1:2000 | Jung, J.S., et al. 2019. Semaphorin-5B Controls Spiral Ganglion Neuron Branch Refinement during Development.. Journal of Neuroscience, 6425-6438. |
30866042 | 1:400 | Goel, M., et al. 2019. Differential expression and sub-cellular localization of Copines in mouse retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2245-2262. |
30726728 | 1:500-1:1000 | Zhang, M., et al. 2019. Mechanically Activated Piezo Channels Mediate Touch and Suppress Acute Mechanical Pain Response in Mice. Cell Reports, 1419-1431. |
30686732 | 1:500 | Green, D.P., et al. 2019. A Mast-Cell-Specific Receptor Mediates Neurogenic Inflammation and Pain. Neuron, 412-420. |
30478340 | 1:10000 | Colina, C., et al. 2018. Selective tracking of FFAR3-expressing neurons supports receptor coupling to N-type calcium channels in mouse sympathetic neurons. Scientific reports, 17379. |
30453022 | 1:500 | Zhang, B., et al. 2018. Reducing age-dependent monocyte-derived macrophage activation contributes to the therapeutic efficacy of NADPH oxidase inhibition in spinal cord injury. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 139-150. |
30406183 | 1:100 | Micheva, K.D., et al. 2018. Distinctive Structural and Molecular Features of Myelinated Inhibitory Axons in Human Neocortex.. eNeuro, . |
29874580 | 1:1000 | Kridsada, K., et al. 2018. Roof Plate-Derived Dorsal Midline Radial Glial-like Cells Promote Longitudinal Ascending Axon Growth of Rapidly Adapting Mechanoreceptors during Development. Cell Reports, 2928-2941. |
29536590 | 1:5000 | Harley, R.J., et al. 2018. Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecule (NrCAM) is Expressed by Sensory Cells in the Cochlea and is Necessary for Proper Cochlear Innervation and Sensory Domain Patterning During Development. Developmental Dynamics, 934-950. |
29476408 | 1:200 | Zukor, K., et al. 2018. Zika virus-induced acute myelitis and motor deficits in adult interferon αβ/γ receptor knockout mice. Journal of NeuroVirology, 273-290. |
29329211 | 1:200 | Morrey, J.D., et al. 2018. Causation of Acute Flaccid Paralysis by Myelitis and Myositis in Enterovirus-D68 Infected Mice Deficient in Interferon αβ/γ Receptor Deficient Mice. Viruses, 33. |
29279310 | 1:1000 | Hesp, Z.C., et al. 2018. Proliferating NG2-Cell-Dependent Angiogenesis and Scar Formation Alter Axon Growth and Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 1366-1382. |
28817806 | not listed | Ghitani, N., et al. 2017. Specialized Mechanosensory Nociceptors Mediating Rapid Responses to Hair Pull. Neuron, 944-954. |
28647856 | 1:500 | Shih, Y., et al. 2017. Glial and Neuronal Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Alpha (PTPα) Regulate Oligodendrocyte Differentiation and Myelination. Journal Molecular Neuroscience, 329-343. |
28381129 | not listed | Orr, M.B., et al. 2017. Compression Decreases Anatomical and Functional Recovery and Alters Inflammation after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 2342-2352. |
28264978 | 1:200 | Freria, C.M., et al. 2017. Deletion of the fractalkine receptor, CX3CR1, improves endogenous repair, axon sprouting and synaptogenesis after spinal cord injury in mice. The Journal of Neuroscience, 3568-3587. |
28162807 | 1:1000 | François, A., et al. 2017. A Brainstem-Spinal Cord Inhibitory Circuit for Mechanical Pain Modulation by GABA and Enkephalins. Neuron, 822-839. |
28041852 | 1:1000 | Abraira, V.E., et al. 2017. The Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of the Mechanosensory Dorsal Horn. Cell, 295-310. |
28168703 | 1:1000 | Geary, M.B., et al. 2016. Erythropoietin accelerates functional recovery after moderate sciatic nerve crush injury. Muscle & Nerve, 143-151. |
28002412 | 1:1000 | Nonomura, K., et al. 2016. Piezo2 senses airway stretch and mediates lung inflation-induced apnoea. Nature, 176-181. |
27810921 | not listed | Kigerl, K.A., et al. 2016. Gut dysbiosis impairs recovery after spinal cord injury. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2603-2620. |
27707970 | 1:500 | Fleming, M.S., et al. 2016. A RET-ER81-NRG1 Signaling Pathway Drives the Development of Pacinian Corpuscles. The Journal of Neuroscience, 10337-10355. |
27596335 | 1:500 | Zhang, B., et al. 2016. Age increases reactive oxygen species production in macrophages and potentiates oxidative damage after spinal cord injury. Neurobiology of Aging, 157-167. |
26356988 | 1:400 | Sajgo, S., et al. 2015. Dynamic expression of transcription factor Brn3b during mouse cranial nerve development. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1033-1061. |
25451251 | 1:5000 | Yamada, H., et al. 2014. Transplantation of mature adipocyte-derived dedifferentiated fat cells promotes locomotor functional recovery by remyelination and glial scar reduction after spinal cord injury in mice. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 341-346. |
22575600 | 1:2000 | Alexander, J.K., et al. 2012. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is essential for inflammatory and neuropathic pain and enhances pain in response to stress. Experimental Neurology, 351-362. |
19770513 | 1ug/ml | Ankeny, D.P., et al. 2009. B cells produce pathogenic antibodies and impair recovery after spinal cord injury in mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2990-2999. |