Fluoresceinated Goat Anti-Chicken IgY Secondary Antibody

Our Fluoresceinated Goat Anti-Chicken IgY secondary antibody from Aves Labs is produced in-house. It detects chicken IgY and is affinity purified.

SKU: F-1005

Volume: 500 µL
Sale price$129.00

Product Details

Chicken IgY
Affinity Purified
1 mg/mL
Store at 4°C in the dark. Under these conditions, the antibodies should have a shelf life of at least 12 months (provided they remain sterile). For longer storage periods, dilute the antibodies with sterile glycerol and store at -20°C. Do not freeze these antibodies unless you want to store them for longer periods of time.
Goats were immunized with purified chicken IgY (whole protein) emulsified in Freund’s adjuvant. After multiple injections, goats were bled and serum collected. Antibodies were isolated using affinity chromatography and conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate.
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.2), bovine serum albumin (0.2%, w/v), sodium azide (0.02%, w/v) (as an anti-microbial agent).
Does not cross-react with mammalian IgGs
Antibodies were analyzed using immunoelectrophoresis (see below) and immunocytochemistry. In this latter test, abundant fluorescence staining was observed in 3T3 cells after blocking with BlokHen® (1:10 dilution in PBS), incubation with chicken anti-vimentin antibodies (1:1000 dilution in PBS) and then incubation with GGHL-30F-2 (1:200 dilution in PBS).
These antibodies are to be used as research laboratory reagents and are not for use as diagnostic or therapeutic reagents in humans.
United States
Ice packs

Product Specific References for Applications

Cell Sorting
PMID Dilution Publication
312753780.16mg/mlChavez-Cortez, E.G., et al. 2019. Production and evaluation of an avian IgY immunotoxin against CD133+ for treatment of carcinogenic stem cells in malignant glioma: IgY immunotoxin for the …. Journal of Oncology, 2563092.
Flow Cytometry
PMID Dilution Publication
152108461:100Du, L., et al. 2004. Macrophage colony-stimulating factor differentially regulates low density lipoprotein and transferrin receptors. Journal of Lipid Research, 1733-1740.
PMID Dilution Publication
384312211:200De Bortoli, M, et al. 2024. Somatic loss-of-function PIK3R1 and activating non-hotspot PIK3CA mutations associated with Capillary Malformation with Dilated Veins (CMDV). The Journal of investigative dermatology, .
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15191546not listedRiedl, E., et al. 2004. Identification and characterization of an alternatively spliced isoform of mouse Langerin/CD207. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 78-86.
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PMID Dilution Publication
393439701:500Mao, H, et al. 2024. Regulation of leptin signaling and diet-induced obesity by SEL1L-HRD1 ER-associated degradation in POMC expressing neurons. Nature Communications, 8435.
384312211:200De Bortoli, M, et al. 2024. Somatic loss-of-function PIK3R1 and activating non-hotspot PIK3CA mutations associated with Capillary Malformation with Dilated Veins (CMDV). The Journal of investigative dermatology, .
368469121:200-1:1000Zuppo, D.A., et al. 2023. Foxm1 Regulates Cardiomyocyte Proliferation in Adult Zebrafish After Cardiac Injury. Development, dev201163.
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192138731:1000Ransford, G.A., et al. 2009. Pannexin 1 contributes to ATP release in airway epithelia. American Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology, 525-534.
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