Dilution |
Publication |
39569362 | not listed | Düdükcü, Ö, et al. 2024. Molecular diversity and migration of GABAergic neurons in the developing ventral midbrain. iScience, 111239. |
39198648 | 1:500 | Zhu, Y., et al. 2024. Sympathetic neuropeptide Y protects from obesity by sustaining thermogenic fat. Nature, . |
38650479 | 1:2000 | Fleury, S, et al. 2024. Role of dopamine neurons in familiarity. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 2522-2534. |
38438581 | 1:500 | Han, Y, et al. 2024. α4 nicotinic receptors on GABAergic neurons mediate a cholinergic analgesic circuit in the substantia nigra pars reticulata. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 0. |
38200117 | 1:1000 | Lee, S, et al. 2024. Engineered serum markers for non-invasive monitoring of gene expression in the brain. Nature Biotechnology, . |
37657441 | 1:200 | Willmore, L, et al. 2023. Overlapping representations of food and social stimuli in mouse VTA dopamine neurons. Neuron, . |
37657440 | 1:2000 | Rojo, D, et al. 2023. BMAL1 loss in oligodendroglia contributes to abnormal myelination and sleep. Neuron, . |
37403978 | 1:2000 | Leon-Mercado, L, et al. 2023. Evidence of Extraganglionic Vagal Mechanoreceptors in the Mouse Vagus Nerve. Journal of Anatomy, . |
37391270 | 1:2000 | Kelly, L, et al. 2023. Subunit-specific Expression and Function of AMPA Receptors in the Mouse Locus Coeruleus. Journal of Anatomy, . |
37126218 | 1:1000 | Abe, C., et al. 2023. Hepatic glycogenolysis and hypometabolism induced by chemogenetic stimulation of C1 neurons. Journal of Physiology, 2293-2306. |
36894654 | 1:1000 | Gu, X., et al. 2023. Neurons in the Caudal Ventrolateral Medulla Mediate Descending Pain Control. Nature Neuroscience, 594-605. |
36889282 | 1:1000 | Choi, M., et al. 2023. FGF21 Counteracts Alcohol Intoxication by Activating the Noradrenergic Nervous System. Cell Metabolism, 429-437.e5. |
36857188 | 1:500 | Ji, Y.W., et al. 2023. Differential Remodeling of Subthalamic Projections to Basal Ganglia Output Nuclei and Locomotor Deficits in 6-OHDA-Induced Hemiparkinsonian Mice. Cell Reports, 112178. |
36624276 | 1:1000 | Villadiego, J., et al. 2023. Full protection from SARS-CoV-2 brain infection and damage in susceptible transgenic mice conferred by MVA-CoV2-S vaccine candidate. Nature Neuroscience, 226-238. |
36598331 | 1:500 | Fan, J.P., et al. 2023. Subthalamic neurons interact with nigral dopaminergic neurons to regulate movement in mice. Acta Physiologica, e13917. |
35977498 | 1:1500 | Ambrosi, P., et al. 2022. Striatonigrostriatal circuit architecture for disinhibition of dopamine signaling. Cell reports, 111228. |
35715418 | 1:200 | Liu, Z., et al. 2022. Deficiency in endocannabinoid synthase DAGLB contributes to early onset Parkinsonism and murine nigral dopaminergic neuron dysfunction. Nature communications, 3490. |
35650441 | not listed | Breton-Provencher, V., et al. 2022. Spatiotemporal dynamics of noradrenaline during learned behaviour. Nature, 732-738. |
35618950 | 1:1000 | Bian, W.J., et al. 2022. Adolescent sleep shapes social novelty preference in mice. Nature neuroscience, 912-923. |
35134327 | 1:1000 | Seiler, J.L., et al. 2022. Dopamine signaling in the dorsomedial striatum promotes compulsive behavior. Current Biology, 1175-1188. |
35021098 | not listed | Scarpa, L.L., et al. 2022. Mice hypomorphic for Pitx3 show robust entrainment of circadian behavioral and metabolic rhythms to scheduled feeding. Cell reports, 109865. |
34707106 | 1:200 | Wang, Y., et al. 2021. The essential role of transcription factor Pitx3 in preventing mesodiencephalic dopaminergic neurodegeneration and maintaining neuronal subtype identities during aging. Cell Death & Disease, 1008. |
34642212 | 1:1000 | Fujita, A., et al. 2021. Neurokinin B-expressing neurons of the central extended amygdala mediate inhibitory synaptic input onto melanin-concentrating hormone neuron subpopulations. Journal of Neuroscience, 9539-9560. |
34081911 | 1:1000 | Seo, D.O., et al. 2021. A locus coeruleus to dentate gyrus noradrenergic circuit modulates aversive contextual processing. Neuron, 2116-2130. |
33966044 | 1:1000 | Dinh, E., et al. 2021. TP53INP1 exerts neuroprotection under ageing and Parkinson’s disease-related stress condition. Cell Death & Disease, 460. |
33421565 | 1:500 | Liu, J., et al. 2021. Facilitation of GluN2C-containing NMDA receptors in the external globus pallidus increases firing of fast spiking neurons and improves motor function in a hemiparkinsonian mouse model. Neurobiology of Disease, 105254. |
32356570 | not listed | Bookout, A.L., et al. 2021. Characterization of a cell bridge variant connecting the nodose and superior cervical ganglia in the mouse: prevalence, anatomical features, and practical implications. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 111-128. |
33308478 | 1:500 | Kim, C.K., et al. 2020. A molecular calcium integrator reveals a striatal cell type driving aversion. Cell, 2003-2019. |
33277492 | 1:1000 | Beas, S.B., et al. 2020. A ventrolateral medulla-midline thalamic circuit for hypoglycemic feeding. Nature Communications, 6218. |
33230547 | 1:1000 | Kuerbitz, J., et al. 2020. Temporally Distinct Roles for the Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Sp8 in the Generation and Migration of Dorsal Lateral Ganglionic Eminence (dLGE)-Derived Neuronal Subtypes in the Mouse. Cerebral Cortex, 1744-1762. |
32641826 | 1:200 | Muller, P.A., et al. 2020. Microbiota modulate sympathetic neurons via a gut–brain circuit. Nature, 441-446. |
31399635 | not listed | Underhill, S.M., et al. 2019. Amphetamines signal through intracellular TAAR1 receptors coupled to Gα 13 and Gα S in discrete subcellular domains. Molecular Psychiatry, 1208-1223. |
31365862 | 1:500 | Wu, J., et al. 2019. Distinct Connectivity and Functionality of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1a1-Positive Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons in Motor Learning. Cell Reports, 1167-1181. |
31348890 | 1:2000 | Parker, K.E., et al. 2019. A Paranigral VTA Nociceptin Circuit that Constrains Motivation for Reward.. Cell, 653-671. |
31291348 | 1:1000 | Schiffino, F.L., et al. 2019. Activation of a lateral hypothalamic-ventral tegmental circuit gates motivation. PloS One, e0219522. |
31036944 | 1:1000 | Vetere, G., et al. 2019. Memory formation in the absence of experience. Nature Neuroscience, 933-940. |
30723893 | 1:2000 | Kruse, S.W., et al. 2019. Effect of monoamine reuptake inhibition and α1 blockade on respiratory arrest and death following electroshock‐induced seizures in mice. Epilepsia, 495-507. |
30643295 | 1:1000 | Breton-Provencher, V., et al. 2019. Active control of arousal by a locus coeruleus GABAergic circuit. Nature Neuroscience, 218-228. |
30592042 | 1:1000 | Angelova, A., et al. 2019. Characterization of perinatally born glutamatergic neurons of the mouse olfactory bulb based on NeuroD6 expression reveals their resistance to sensory deprivation.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1245-1260. |
30393144 | 1:200-1:250 | Gil-Tommee, C., et al. 2019. Parkinsonian GM2 synthase knockout mice lacking mature gangliosides develop urinary dysfunction and neurogenic bladder. Experimental Neurology, 265-273. |
30948828 | not listed | Szablowski, J.O., et al. 2018. Acoustically targeted chemogenetics for the non-invasive control of neural circuits. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 475-484. |
30524376 | 1:1000 | Bardóczi, S., et al. 2018. GnRH Neurons Provide Direct Input to Hypothalamic Tyrosine Hydroxylase Immunoreactive Neurons Which Is Maintained During Lactation. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 685. |
30478340 | 1:100 | Colina, C., et al. 2018. Selective tracking of FFAR3-expressing neurons supports receptor coupling to N-type calcium channels in mouse sympathetic neurons. Scientfic Reports, 17379. |
30393144 | 1:200-1:250 | Gil-Tommee, C., et al. 2018. Parkinsonian GM2 synthase mice lacking mature gangliosides develop urinary dysfunction and neurogenic bladder. Experimental Neurology, 265-273. |
29691329 | 1:1500 | Barry, J., et al. 2018. Striatal Direct and Indirect Pathway Output Structures are Differentially Altered in Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease. The Journal of Neuroscience, 4678-4694. |
29056297 | 1:1000 | Nishiyama, J., et al. 2017. Virus-Mediated Genome Editing via Homology- Directed Repair in Mitotic and Postmitotic Cells in Mammalian Brain. Neuron, 755-768. |
29035364 | 1:1000 | Pirzgalska, R.N., et al. 2017. Sympathetic neuron–associated macrophages contribute to obesity by importing and metabolizing norepinephrine. Nature Medicine, 1309-1318. |
28972122 | 1:1000 | Tiveron, M.C., et al. 2017. Zic-Proteins Are Repressors of Dopaminergic Forebrain Fate in Mice and C. elegans. The Journal of Neuroscience, 10611-10623. |
28814342 | 1:500 | Qin, S., et al. 2017. Septal contributions to olfactory bulb interneuron diversity in the embryonic mouse telencephalon: role of the homeobox gene Gsx2. Neural Development, 13. |
28708061 | 1:2000 | McCall, J.G., et al. 2017. Locus coeruleus to basolateral amygdala noradrenergic projections promote anxiety-like behavior. eLife, e18247. |
28689984 | 1:500 | De Biase, L.M., et al. 2017. Local cues establish and maintain region-specific phenotypes of basal ganglia microglia. Neuron, 341-356. |
28602690 | 1:500 | Cho, R.C., et al. 2017. Dorsal Raphe Dopamine Neurons Modulate Arousal and Promote Wakefulness by Salient Stimuli. Neuron, 1205-1219. |
28472858 | 1:1000 | Merchan-Sala, P., et al. 2017. Selective neuronal expression of the SoxE factor, Sox8, in direct pathway striatal projection neurons of the developing mouse brain. The Journal of Comparative Neurology Research in Systems Neuroscience, 2805-2819. |
28367972 | 1:1000 | Pereira, M., et al. 2017. A brain-sparing diphtheria toxin for chemical genetic ablation of peripheral cell lineages. Nature Communications, 14967. |
28288124 | 1:1000 | Abe, C., et al. 2017. C1 neurons mediate a stress-induced anti-inflammatory reflex in mice. Nature Neuroscience, 700-707. |
28283558 | 1:1000 | Pomeranz, L.E., et al. 2017. Gene Expression Profiling with Cre-Conditional Pseudorabies Virus Reveals a Subset of Midbrain Neurons That Participate in Reward Circuitry. The Journal of Neuroscience, 4128-4144. |
28132830 | 1:1000 | Shin, G., et al. 2017. Flexible Near-Field Wireless Optoelectronics as Subdermal Implants for Broad Applications in Optogenetics. Neuron, 509-521. |
26878381 | 1:500 | Kim, C.K., et al. 2016. Simultaneous fast measurement of circuit dynamics at multiple sites across the mammalian brain. Nature Methods, 325-328. |
25403254 | 1:1000 | Muzerelle, A., et al. 2016. Conditional anterograde tracing reveals distinct targeting of individual serotonin cell groups (B5–B9) to the forebrain and brainstem. Brain Structure and Function, 535-561. |
26212712 | 1:2000 | McCall, J.G., et al. 2015. CRH engagement of the locus coeruleus noradrenergic system mediates stress-induced anxiety. Neuron, 605-620. |
26189679 | 1:2000 | Jeong, J.W., et al. 2015. Wireless optofluidic systems for programmable in vivo pharmacology and optogenetics. Cell, 662-674. |
24927931 | 1:1000 | Vasistha, N.A., et al. 2015. Cortical and clonal contribution of Tbr2 expressing progenitors in the developing mouse brain. Cerebral Cortex, 3290-3302. |
24117685 | not listed | Farrell, K.F., et al. 2014. Non‐motor parkinsonian pathology in aging A53T α‐Synuclein mice is associated with progressive synucleinopathy and altered enzymatic function. Journal of Neurochemistry, 536-546. |
23787819 | 1:2000 | Al-Hasani, R., et al. 2013. Locus coeruleus kappa-opioid receptors modulate reinstatement of cocaine place preference through a noradrenergic mechanism. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2484-2497. |
22891246 | not listed | Yao, L., et al. 2012. Activation of transcription factor MEF2D by bis (3)-cognitin protects dopaminergic neurons and ameliorates Parkinsonian motor defects. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 34242-34255. |
21858821 | 1:1000 | Erickson, C.S., et al. 2012. Sacral neural crest-derived cells enter the aganglionic colon of Ednrb-/- mice along extrinsic nerve fibers.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 620-632. |
21037585 | 1:2000 | Carter, M.E., et al. 2010. Tuning arousal with optogenetic modulation of locus coeruleus neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 1526-1533. |
34824397 | 1:2000 | Qazi, R., et al. 2009. Scalable and modular wireless-network infrastructure for large-scale behavioural neuroscience. Nature biomedical engineering, 771-786. |
19726652 | 1:2500 | Carter, M.E., et al. 2009. Sleep homeostasis modulates hypocretin-mediated sleep-to-wake transitions. Journal of Neuroscience, 10939-10949. |