Ships: 1-2 business days
This methylene Blue counterstain solution is designed for nuclear counterstain after completion of Immunohistochemistry staining or for routine histology. Nuclei will be stained blue color, which will provide excellent contrast to brown (DAB, cat. # AR-8202). These chromogens with Methyl Blue has to be dehydrated with organic solvents and mounted with Organic mounting medium with our Organo Mount (AR-6504) or any other mounting medium.
Aqueous mounting mediums are not compatible with Methylene BLUE counterstain
Methylene blue should not be confused with methyl blue, another histology stain, new methylene blue, nor with the methyl violets often used as pH indicators.
Ready to use counterstain
Room Temperature
Ships overnight (domestic), International Priority Shipping
For research use only; not for use in diagnostic procedures. FOR IN VITRO LABORATORY USE ONLY
United States
A. Immunohistochemistry:
- After chromogen staining, wash slide 2-3X with de/di water, 2X with buffer and 2X with de/di water
- Apply Methylene Blue counterstain for 3-5 minutes or longer, if darker color is required.
- Rinse with water, followed by alcohol gradients 30 to 95%; 100% alcohol 5-7X.
- Clear with Xylene or clearing agent.
- The slides can be mounted with Organic mounting mediums like Organo mount (limonene) or equivalent.
- Deparafinize formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections.
- At the counterstain step, apply Methylene Blue counterstain for 3-5 minutes or longer if darker color is required.
- Rinse with water, dehydrate with gradients of alcool 30-95%; and 100% alcohol 5-7X.
- Clear with Xylene or clearing agent.
- The slides can be mounted with Organic mounting mediums like Organo mount (ImmunoBioscience cat. # AR-6504) or equivalent.