Product Specific References for Applications and Species
- Immunocytochemistry: Human | Mouse | Rat
- Immunohistochemistry: Feline | Human | Mouse | Rat
- Western Blot: Mouse
- Additional Publications: Unspecified
Immunocytochemistry: Human | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
26985738 | 1:200 | González-Burguera, I., et al. 2016. Highly efficient generation of glutamatergic/cholinergic NT2-derived postmitotic human neurons by short-term treatment with the nucleoside analogue cytosine β-D-arabinofuranoside. . Stem cell research, 541-551. |
Immunocytochemistry: Mouse | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
32375064 | not listed | Weinstock, N.I., et al. 2020. Macrophages expressing GALC improve peripheral Krabbe disease by a mechanism independent of cross-correction.. Neuron, 65-81. |
30796290 | 1:300 | Reijntjes, D.O., et al. 2019. Sodium-activated potassium channels shape peripheral auditory function and activity of the primary auditory neurons in mice. . Scientific reports, 1-18. |
28091722 | 1:200 | Hatch, R.J., et al. 2017. Hyperphosphorylated tau causes reduced hippocampal CA1 excitability by relocating the axon initial segment.. Acta neuropathologica, 717-730. |
20888080 | 1:500 | Shepherd, M.N., et al. 2012. Paranodal reorganization results in the depletion of transverse bands in the aged central nervous system.. Neurobiology of Aging, 203-e13. |
20861468 | 1:150 | Tong, M., et al. 2010. The intrinsic electrophysiological properties of neurons derived from mouse embryonic stem cells overexpressing neurogenin-1.. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, C1335-C1344. |
20133873 | 1:100 | Brackenbury, W.J., et al. 2010. Functional reciprocity between Na+ channel Nav1. 6 and ß1 subunits in the coordinated regulation of excitability and neurite outgrowth. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2283-2288. |
19261867 | 1:100 | Sharkey, L.M., et al. 2009. The ataxia3 mutation in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of sodium channel Na(v)1.6 disrupts intracellular trafficking.. Journal of Neuroscience, 2733-2741. |
19013247 | 1:200 | O'Malley, H.A., et al. 2009. Loss of Na+ channel ß2 subunits is neuroprotective in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. . Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 143-155. |
Immunocytochemistry: Rat | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
26408173 | 1:200 | Barbosa, C., et al. 2015. Navß4 regulates fast resurgent sodium currents and excitability in sensory neurons.. Molecular Pain, s12990-015. |
22885108 | 1:100 | Devaux, J.J., et al. 2012. Antibodies to gliomedin cause peripheral demyelinating neuropathy and the dismantling of the nodes of Ranvier.. The American Journal of Pathology, 1402-1413. |
Immunohistochemistry: Feline | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
21543602 | 1:100 | Meehan, C.F., et al. 2011. Dendrite-derived supernumerary axons on adult axotomized motor neurons possess proteins that are essential for the initiation and propagation of action potentials and synaptic vesicle release.. Journal of Neuroscience, 6732-6740. |
Immunohistochemistry: Human | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
20838243 | not listed | Howell, O.W., et al. 2010. Activated microglia mediate axoglial disruption that contributes to axonal injury in multiple sclerosis.. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 1017-1033. |
Immunohistochemistry: Mouse | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
39093969 | 1:100 | Zhao, R, et al. 2024. Axo-axonic synaptic input drives homeostatic plasticity by tuning the axon initial segment structurally and functionally. Science Advances, eadk4331. |
37283058 | 1:250 | Dustin, E, et al. 2023. Adult-onset Depletion of Sulfatide Leads to Axonal Degeneration with Relative Myelin Sparing. Glia, 2285-2303. |
36849716 | 1:100 | Hu, A., et al. 2023. Projection-Specific Heterogeneity of the Axon Initial Segment of Pyramidal Neurons in the Prelimbic Cortex. Neuroscience Bulletin, . |
35163623 | 1:300 | Marosi, M., et al. 2022. Inhibition of the Akt/PKB Kinase Increases Nav1.6-Mediated Currents and Neuronal Excitability in CA1 Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons. International journal of molecular sciences, 1700. |
34825395 | 1:100 | Newville, J., et al. 2020. Persistent myelin abnormalities in a third trimester‐equivalent mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. . Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 77-86. |
32142125 | not listed | Kawamura, A., et al. 2020. Oligodendrocyte dysfunction due to Chd8 mutation gives rise to behavioral deficits in mice.. Human molecular genetics, 1274-1291. |
31933626 | 1:300 | Alshammari, M.A., et al. 2019. Changes in the Fluorescence Tracking of NaV1.6 Protein Expression in a BTBR T+Itpr3tf/J Autistic Mouse Model. Neural Plasticity, 4893103. |
30125271 | not listed | Nunes, D., et al. 2018. Axonal sodium channel NaV1. 2 drives granule cell dendritic GABA release and rapid odor discrimination. . PLoS biology, e2003816. |
28595650 | 1:200 | Benusa, S.D., et al. 2017. Acute neuroinflammation induces AIS structural plasticity in a NOX2-dependent manner. . Journal of neuroinflammation, 1-14. |
28355569 | 1:5 (supe) | Morelli, K.H., et al. 2017. Severity of demyelinating and axonal neuropathy mouse models is modified by genes affecting structure and function of peripheral nodes. . Cell reports, 3178-3191. |
28283581 | 1:500 | Satake, T., et al. 2017. MTCL1 plays an essential role in maintaining Purkinje neuron axon initial segme. The EMBO journal, 1227-1242. |
27629714 | 1:100 | Kim, S., et al. 2016. Schwann cell O-GlcNAc glycosylation is required for myelin maintenance and axon integrity.. Journal of Neuroscience, 9633-9646. |
27581456 | not listed | Marin, M.A., et al. 2016. Reassembly of excitable domains after CNS axon regeneration.. Journal of Neuroscience, 9148-9160. |
26909021 | 1:300 | Alshammari, M.A., et al. 2016. Improved methods for fluorescence microscopy detection of macromolecules at the axon initial segment. . Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 5. |
26807988 | 1:200 | Jones, J.M., et al. 2016. Single amino acid deletion in transmembrane segment D4S6 of sodium channel Scn8a (Nav1. 6) in a mouse mutant with a chronic movement disorder.. Neurobiology of disease, 36-45. |
25653382 | not listed | Baalman, K., et al. 2015. Axon initial segment-associated microglia.. Journal of Neuroscience, 2283-2292. |
25362471 | not listed | Chang, K.J., et al. 2014. Glial ankyrins facilitate paranodal axoglial junction assembly.. Nature Neuroscience, 1673-81. |
23891806 | 1:1000 | Xiao, M., et al. 2013. FGF14 localization and organization of the axon initial segment. . Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 393-403. |
23864679 | 1:200 | Ruff, C.A., et al. 2013. Effects of adult neural precursor-derived myelination on axonal function in the perinatal congenitally dysmyelinated brain: optimizing time of intervention, developing accurate prediction models, and enhancing performance.. Journal of Neuroscience, 11899-11915. |
23090952 | 1:250 | Sun, W., et al. 2013. Aberrant sodium channel activity in the complex seizure disorder of Celf4 mutant mice.. The Journal of Physiology, 241-255. |
22492029 | not listed | Buttermore, E.D., et al. 2012. Pinceau organization in the cerebellum requires distinct functions of neurofascin in Purkinje and basket neurons during postnatal development.. Journal of Neuroscience, 4724-4742. |
21958379 | not listed | Duflocq, A., et al. 2011. Characterization of the axon initial segment (AIS) of motor neurons and identification of a para-AIS and a juxtapara-AIS, organized by protein 4.1B.. BMC Biology, 1-19. |
21525278 | 1:100 | Binder, E., et al. 2011. Peripheral nervous system progenitors can be reprogrammed to produce myelinating oligodendrocytes and repair brain lesions.. Journal of Neuroscience, 6379-6391. |
20838243 | not listed | Howell, O.W., et al. 2010. Activated microglia mediate axoglial disruption that contributes to axonal injury in multiple sclerosis.. Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, 1017-1033. |
20628201 | not listed | Wimmer, V.C., et al. 2010. Axon initial segment dysfunction in a mouse model of genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus. . The Journal of clinical investigation, 2661-2671. |
20375142 | not listed | Wimmer, V.C., et al. 2010. Axon initial segment dysfunction in epilepsy. . The Journal of physiology, 1829-1840. |
20173079 | 1:200 | Osorio, N., et al. 2010. Persistent Nav1.6 current at axon initial segments tunes spike timing of cerebellar granule cells.. The Journal of Physiology, 651-670. |
20133873 | 1:100 | Brackenbury, W.J., et al. 2010. Functional reciprocity between Na+ channel Nav1. 6 and ß1 subunits in the coordinated regulation of excitability and neurite outgrowth. . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2283-2288. |
18661556 | 1:1000 | Desai, M.K., et al. 2009. Triple‐transgenic Alzheimer's disease mice exhibit region‐specific abnormalities in brain myelination patterns prior to appearance of amyloid and tau pathology. . Glia, 4-65. |
18930825 | 1:1000 | Shakkottai, V.G., et al. 2008. FGF14 regulates the intrinsic excitability of cerebellar Purkinje neurons.. Neurobiology of Disease, 81-88. |
18621130 | not listed | Duflocq, A., et al. 2008. Nav1. 1 is predominantly expressed in nodes of Ranvier and axon initial segments. . Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 180-192. |
18522848 | 1:200 | Windrem, M.S., et al. 2008. Neonatal chimerization with human glial progenitor cells can both remyelinate and rescue the otherwise lethally hypomyelinated shiverer mouse.. Cell Stem Cell, 553-565. |
Immunohistochemistry: Rat | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
25948259 | 1:200 | Hirono, M., et al. 2015. BK Channels Localize to the Paranodal Junction and Regulate Action Potentials in Myelinated Axons of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells.. Journal of Neuroscience, 7082-7094. |
24477962 | 1:100 | King, A.N., et al. 2014. A unique ion channel clustering domain on the axon initial segment of mammalian neurons. . Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2594-2608. |
21734302 | 1:200 | Lysakowski, A., et al. 2011. Molecular microdomains in a sensory terminal, the vestibular calyx ending.. Journal of Neuroscience, 10101-10114. |
19118165 | 1:500 | Lorincz, A., et al. 2008. Cell-type-dependent molecular composition of the axon initial segment. . Journal of Neuroscience, 14329-14340. |
18769561 | 1:500-1:1000 | Mojumder, D.K., et al. 2008. Subcellular compartmentalization of two calcium binding proteins, calretinin and calbindin-28 kDa, in ganglion and amacrine cells of the rat retina. . Molecular Vision, 1600. |
Western Blot: Mouse | ||
PMID | Dilution | Publication |
31933626 | 1:500 | Alshammari, M.A., et al. 2019. Changes in the Fluorescence Tracking of NaV1.6 Protein Expression in a BTBR T+Itpr3tf/J Autistic Mouse Model. Neural Plasticity, 4893103. |
30125271 | not listed | Nunes, D., et al. 2018. Axonal sodium channel NaV1. 2 drives granule cell dendritic GABA release and rapid odor discrimination. . PLoS biology, e2003816. |
29491011 | 1:200 | Zhou, L., et al. 2018. Celecoxib ameliorates seizure susceptibility in autosomal dominant lateral temporal epilepsy. . Journal of Neuroscience, 3346-3357. |
26406915 | not listed | Brügger, V., et al. 2015. HDAC1/2-Dependent P0 Expression Maintains Paranodal and Nodal Integrity Independently of Myelin Stability through Interactions with Neurofascins.. PLoS Biology, e1002258. |
25362471 | not listed | Chang, K.J., et al. 2014. Glial ankyrins facilitate paranodal axoglial junction assembly.. Nature Neuroscience, 1673-81. |
19013247 | 1:200 | O'Malley, H.A., et al. 2009. Loss of Na+ channel ß2 subunits is neuroprotective in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. . Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 143-155. |
16870743 | 1:100 | Lopez-Santiago, L.F., et al. 2006. Sodium channel beta2 subunits regulate tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium channels in small dorsal root ganglion neurons and modulate the response to pain.. Journal of Neuroscience, 7984-7994. |
Additional Publications: Unspecified | ||
PMID | Publication | |
30500400 | Brasileiro, A.D., et al. 2019. Effects of diabetes mellitus on myenteric neuronal density and sodium channel expression in the rat ileum. . Brain Research, 1-9. | |
27100937 | Clark, K.C., et al. 2016. Compromised axon initial segment integrity in EAE is preceded by microglial reactivity and contact. Glia, 64(7), pp.1190-1209.. Glia, 1190-1209. | |
25421039 | Wimmer, V.C., et al. 2015. Sodium channel ß1 subunit localizes to axon initial segments of excitatory and inhibitory neurons and shows regional heterogeneity in mouse brain.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 814-830. | |
23025758 | Baalman, K.L., et al. 2013. Blast wave exposure impairs memory and decreases axon initial segment length.. Journal of Neurotrauma, 741-751. | |
19800949 | Crawford, D.K., et al. 2009. Functional recovery of callosal axons following demyelination: a critical window.. Neuroscience, 1407-1421. | |
18079688 | Mojumder, D.K., et al. 2007. Voltage-gated sodium channel alpha-subunits Na(v)1.1, Na(v)1.2, and Na(v)1.6 in the distal mammalian retina.. Molecular Vision, 2163-2182. | |
17884088 | Lopez-Santiago, L.F., et al. 2007. Sodium channel Scn1b null mice exhibit prolonged QT and RR intervals. . Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology, 636-647. | |
16817858 | Rush, A.M., et al. 2006. Differential modulation of sodium channel Na(v)1.6 by two members of the fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 2 subfamily.. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2551-2562. |