Plasma Sample Diluent

Sample diluents are used to dilute samples into the functional range of the assay and to create the standard curve. Due to the finite binding capacity of the plate coated proteins, highly concentrated samples must be diluted in order to obtain absorbance readings within the sensitivity detection limits of the instrument. Properly formulated sample diluents will also reduce background noise associated with non-specific bridging of signal-generating conjugates to the microtiter plate surface.

Plasma Sample Diluent is formulated to provide a stable protein-friendly environment for dilution of neat plasma or serum samples for analysis in antibody- sandwich or antigen-down format ELISAs. It was specifically developed to provide a reliable solution to the occurrence of unwanted clotting events in plasma and serum samples within the microtiter plate wells. When assay sensitivity is a large concern, serum or plasma samples must be added to the ELISA plate neat or diluted only slightly, making clotting more likely. This issue can be essentially eliminated by diluting the potentially problematic samples 1:2 in Plasma Sample Diluent.

ICT's Plasma Sample Diluent provides a mammalian protein-buffered, neutral pH environment that is highly compatible with antibody-antigen interactions. Inclusion of a protein component helps minimize the degree of non-specific IgG adsorption onto coated and blocked ELISA plate wells during antigen-down screening of serum or plasma samples. Antimicrobial agents allow for room temperature bench-top use and extensive storage stability at 2-8°C.

Plasma Sample Diluent is available in three sizes, 100 mL, 500 mL, and 1L. Bulk volumes and custom packaging are available upon request.

ICT provides all the immunoassay reagents you need to build a better ELISA. Our coating buffers, blockers, sample and assay diluents, conjugate stabilizers, and wash buffer all work together to minimize the build up of unwanted proteins to generate a very clean signal. These products work together to address common issues during ELISA development, such as specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and shelf-life.

In addition, we offer a wide selection of product accessories including ELISA Plates, Plate Sealing Covers, Foil Storage Bags, Desiccant Packs and more. Our ultimate goal is to help you develop optimized ELISAs that have a high specific signal and low background noise.

If you need assistance in your assay development, or are looking for assay development services, please see our available services.

