
894 products

Showing 769 - 792 of 894 products
Western blot of adult mouse spleen lysate. The blot was probed with mouse monoclonal anti-Syk (Central region) antibody at 1:250.
Western blot of 10ug of rat hippocampal lysate showing specific immunolabeling of the ~78 kDa synapsin I doublet protein.Immunostaining of cultured mouse caudate neurons showing punctate distribution of synapsin (cat. 1925-SYNP, 1:1000, green) and MAP (red). Cells and photo courtesy of QBMCellScience.
Western blot of rat hippocampal lysate showing specific immunolabeling of the ~78 kDa synapsin I doublet protein.
Western blot of rat PC12 cells stimulated with Calyculin A (100 nM) for 30 min (lanes 1-4). The blot was treated with lambda phosphatase (lanes 2 & 4), then probed with mouse monoclonal anti-Talin (8D4) (lanes 1 & 2) or rabbit polyclonal anti-Talin (Ser-425) (lanes 3 & 4) antibodies.Immunocytochemical labeling of Talin relative to F-actin in chick fibroblasts. The cells were labeled with mouse monoclonal Talin (Rod domain) antibody (TM4081), then the antibody was detected using appropriate secondary antibody (Red). This labeling is compared to F-actin staining (Green). (Image provided by Dr. Gianluca Gallo at Drexel University).
Western blot of rat cortical lysate showing specific immunolabeling of the ~48 kDa, ~65 kDa & ~75 kDa tau isoforms.Immunostaining of cultured E20 rat cortical neurons and glia stained with anti-TAU antibody (cat. 1998-TAU, green, 1:2000) and anti-MAP2 (red). The blue is DAPI staining nuclear DNA. Anti-TAU labels perikarya, dendrites, axons of neurons while anti-MAP2 only labels dendrites and perikarya of neurons. Where they overlap they appear orange-yellow.
PhosphoSolutions Anti-Tau Antibody
Sale priceFrom $160
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