Anti-Kv1.3 K+ Channel Antibody (L23/27)

Our Anti-Kv1.3 K+ channel mouse monoclonal primary antibody from NeuroMab is produced in-house from hybridoma clone L23/27. It is KO validated, detects human, mouse, and rat Kv1.3 K+ channel, and is purified by Protein A chromatography. It is great for use in IHC, ICC, IP, WB.

SKU: 75-009

Volume: 100 µL
1-2 business days
Sale price$385.00

Product Specific References for Applications and Species

Immunocytochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
309697951:50Solé, L., et al. 2019. The calmodulin‐binding tetraleucine motif of KCNE4 is responsible for association with Kv1. 3. . The FASEB Journal, 8263-8279.
278720491:200Nishijima, Y., et al. 2017. Contribution of Kv1. 5 channel to hydrogen peroxide–induced human arteriolar dilation and its modulation by coronary artery disease. . Circulation research, 658-669.
266552211:50Jiménez-Pérez, L., et al. 2016. Molecular Determinants of Kv1.3 Potassium Channels-induced Proliferation.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 3569-3580.
Immunocytochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
299479241:20 (supe)Pérez-Verdaguer, M., et al. 2018. Caveolar targeting links Kv1. 3 with the insulin-dependent adipocyte physiology. . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 4059-4075.
292723331:200Maezawa, I., et al. 2018. Kv1. 3 inhibition as a potential microglia-targeted therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: preclinical proof of concept. . Brain, 596-612.
278021621:50Solé, L., et al. 2016. The C-terminal domain of Kv1. 3 regulates functional interactions with the KCNE4 subunit. . Journal of Cell Science, 4265-4277.
273026801:50Reeves, T.M., et al. 2016. Targeting Kv1. 3 channels to reduce white matter pathology after traumatic brain injury. . Experimental neurology, 188-203.
265427991:250Martínez-Mármol, R., et al. 2016. Unconventional EGF-induced ERK1/2-mediated Kv1.3 endocytosis.. Cell Mol Life Sciences, 1515-1528.
212332141:1000Fulton, S., et al. 2011. Contribution of Kv1.2 voltage-gated potassium channel to D2 autoreceptor regulation of axonal dopamine overflow.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 9360-9372.
202996861:33Cidad, P., et al. 2010. Characterization of ion channels involved in the proliferative response of femoral artery smooth muscle cells.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 1203-1211.
Immunocytochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
269314971:20Pérez-Verdaguer, M., et al. 2016. Caveolin interaction governs Kv1. 3 lipid raft targeting. . Scientific reports, 1-12.
20810612not listedHyodo, T., et al. 2010. Voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 blocker as a potential treatment for rat anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis.. Am The Journal of Physiology Renal Physiol., F1258-F1269.
186147671:1190Doczi, M.A., et al. 2008. Kv1.3 channels in postganglionic sympathetic neurons: expression, function, and modulation.. Am The Journal of Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiol., R733-R740.
Immunohistochemistry: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
292723331:150Maezawa, I., et al. 2018. Kv1. 3 inhibition as a potential microglia-targeted therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: preclinical proof of concept. . Brain, 596-612.
251759781:50 or 1:100Kundu-Raychaudhuri, S., et al. 2014. Kv1.3 in psoriatic disease: PAP-1, a small molecule inhibitor of Kv1.3 is effective in the SCID mouse psoriasis--xenograft model.. Journal of Autoimmunity, 63-72.
Immunohistochemistry: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
366409131:500Otuyemi, B., et al. 2023. Domain and Cell Type-specific Immunolocalisation of Voltage-gated Potassium Channels in the Mouse Striatum. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 102233.
33739978not listedYi, M.H., et al. 2021. Optogenetic activation of spinal microglia triggers chronic pain in mice. . PLoS biology, e3001154.
311533771:100Gao, T., et al. 2019. Temporal profiling of Kv1. 3 channel expression in brain mononuclear phagocytes following ischemic stroke. . Journal of neuroinflammation, 1-11.
287151171:5000Ohgomori, T., et al. 2017. Differential activation of neuronal and glial STAT 3 in the spinal cord of the SOD 1G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2001-2014.
28287632not listedRamachandran, K.V., et al. 2017. A mammalian nervous-system-specific plasma membrane proteasome complex that modulates neuronal function.. Nature structural & molecular biology, 419-430.
267840041:1000Xu, L., et al. 2016. Neuroinflammation in primary blast neurotrauma: Time course and prevention by torso shielding.. Experimental Neurology, 268-274.
25348824not listedCidad, P., et al. 2014. K+ channels expression in hypertension after arterial injury, and effect of selective Kv1.3 blockade with PAP-1 on intimal hyperplasia formation.. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, 501-511.
243057231:50Peng, Y., et al. 2014. Blockade of Kv1.3 channels ameliorates radiation-induced brain injury.. Neuro-Oncology, 528-539.
23821603not listedDuque, A., et al. 2014. Expression of Kv1.3 potassium channels regulates density of cortical interneurons.. Developmental Neurobiology, 841-855.
230909901:100Nguyen, H.M., et al. 2012. Modulation of voltage-gated K+ channels by the sodium channel β1 subunit.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 18577-18582.
218598941:500Roepke, T.K., et al. 2011. KCNE2 forms potassium channels with KCNA3 and KCNQ1 in the choroid plexus epithelium.. The FASEB Journal, 4264-4273.
212332141:1000Fulton, S., et al. 2011. Contribution of Kv1.2 voltage-gated potassium channel to D2 autoreceptor regulation of axonal dopamine overflow.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 9360-9372.
205750681:100Gazula, V.R., et al. 2010. Localization of Kv1.3 channels in presynaptic terminals of brainstem auditory neurons.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 3205-20.
20299686not listedCidad, P., et al. 2010. Characterization of ion channels involved in the proliferative response of femoral artery smooth muscle cells.. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 1203-1211.
Immunohistochemistry: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
273026801:50Reeves, T.M., et al. 2016. Targeting Kv1. 3 channels to reduce white matter pathology after traumatic brain injury. . Experimental neurology, 188-203.
247232631:100Dufour, M.A., et al. 2014. Somatodendritic ion channel expression in substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic neurons across postnatal development.. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 981-99.
23318870not listedOvsepian, S.V., et al. 2013. A defined heteromeric KV1 channel stabilizes the intrinsic pacemaking and regulates the output of deep cerebellar nuclear neurons to thalamic targets.. The Journal of Physiology, 1771-91.
222180891:1000He, S., et al. 2012. Increased Kv1 channel expression may contribute to decreased sIPSC frequency following chronic inhibition of NR2B-containing NMDAR.. Neuropsychopharmacology, 1338-1356.
21430270not listedRamirez-Navarro, A., et al. 2011. Kv1.3 channels regulate synaptic transmission in the nucleus of solitary tract.. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2772-2780.
203718221:100Wang, T., et al. 2010. Activated T-cells inhibit neurogenesis by releasing granzyme B: rescue by Kv1.3 blockers.. Journal of Neuroscience, 5020-5027.
Immunoprecipitation: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
29947924not listedPérez-Verdaguer, M., et al. 2018. Caveolar targeting links Kv1. 3 with the insulin-dependent adipocyte physiology. . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 4059-4075.
24043354not listedHamilton, D.L., et al. 2014. Kv1.3 inhibitors have differential effects on glucose uptake and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle cell lines and mouse ex vivo skeletal muscle.. The Journal of Physiology Sci., 13-20.
Immunoprecipitation: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
24043354not listedHamilton, D.L., et al. 2014. Kv1.3 inhibitors have differential effects on glucose uptake and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle cell lines and mouse ex vivo skeletal muscle.. The Journal of Physiology Sci., 13-20.
Transmission Electron Microscopy: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
354022771:50Capera, J., et al. 2022. The Mitochondrial Routing of the Kv1. 3 Channel. . Frontiers in Oncology, 865686-865686.
Western Blot: Human
PMID Dilution Publication
392312161:500Prosdocimi, E., et al. 2024. BioID-based intact cell interactome of the Kv1.3 potassium channel identifies a Kv1.3-STAT3-p53 cellular signaling pathway. Science Advances, eadn9361.
353969421:200Roig, S.R., et al. 2022. S-acylation-dependent membrane microdomain localization of the regulatory Kvβ2. 1 subunit. . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 230.
278720491:2000Nishijima, Y., et al. 2017. Contribution of Kv1. 5 channel to hydrogen peroxide–induced human arteriolar dilation and its modulation by coronary artery disease. . Circulation research, 658-669.
278021621:200Solé, L., et al. 2016. The C-terminal domain of Kv1. 3 regulates functional interactions with the KCNE4 subunit. . Journal of Cell Science, 4265-4277.
27439875not listedKang, J.A., et al. 2016. Epigenetic regulation of Kcna3-encoding Kv1.3 potassium channel by cereblon contributes to regulation of CD4+ T-cell activation.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America, 8771-8776.
215866991:1000Straub, S.V., et al. 2011. Pharmacological inhibition of Kv1.3 fails to modulate insulin sensitivity in diabetic mice or human insulin-sensitive tissues.. Am The Journal of Physiology Endocrinol Metab., E380-E390.
Western Blot: Mouse
PMID Dilution Publication
38194969not listedMiyazaki, Y, et al. 2024. Oligodendrocyte-derived LGI3 and its receptor ADAM23 organize juxtaparanodal Kv1 channel clustering for short-term synaptic plasticity. Cell Reports, 113634.
31028120not listedDong, X., et al. 2019. Dlg1 maintains dendritic cell function by securing voltage-gated K+ channel integrity. . The Journal of Immunology, 3187-3197.
299479241:200Pérez-Verdaguer, M., et al. 2018. Caveolar targeting links Kv1. 3 with the insulin-dependent adipocyte physiology. . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 4059-4075.
292723331:700Maezawa, I., et al. 2018. Kv1. 3 inhibition as a potential microglia-targeted therapy for Alzheimer’s disease: preclinical proof of concept. . Brain, 596-612.
281861991:200Martínez-Mármol, R., et al. 2017. Ubiquitination mediates Kv1. 3 endocytosis as a mechanism for protein kinase C-dependent modulation. . Scientific reports, 1-16.
278021621:200Solé, L., et al. 2016. The C-terminal domain of Kv1. 3 regulates functional interactions with the KCNE4 subunit. . Journal of Cell Science, 4265-4277.
240433541:1000Hamilton, D.L., et al. 2014. Kv1.3 inhibitors have differential effects on glucose uptake and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle cell lines and mouse ex vivo skeletal muscle.. The Journal of Physiology Sci., 13-20.
218598941:500Roepke, T.K., et al. 2011. KCNE2 forms potassium channels with KCNA3 and KCNQ1 in the choroid plexus epithelium.. The FASEB Journal, 4264-4273.
20575068not listedGazula, V.R., et al. 2010. Localization of Kv1.3 channels in presynaptic terminals of brainstem auditory neurons.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 3205-20.
Western Blot: Rat
PMID Dilution Publication
342342411:500Roig, S.R., et al. 2021. Calmodulin-dependent KCNE4 dimerization controls membrane targeting. Scientific reports, 11(1), pp.1-16.. Scientific reports, 1-16.
278167681:1000Liu, H., et al. 2017. Human immunodeficiency virus protein Tat induces oligodendrocyte injury by enhancing outward K+ current conducted by KV1. 3. . Neurobiology of disease, 1-10.
269314971:500Pérez-Verdaguer, M., et al. 2016. Caveolin interaction governs Kv1. 3 lipid raft targeting. . Scientific reports, 1-12.
240433541:1000Hamilton, D.L., et al. 2014. Kv1.3 inhibitors have differential effects on glucose uptake and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle cell lines and mouse ex vivo skeletal muscle.. The Journal of Physiology Sci., 13-20.
22613618not listedZhu, J., et al. 2012. N-glycosylation promotes the cell surface expression of Kv1.3 potassium channels.. The FEBS Journal, 2632-2644.
186147671:5000Doczi, M.A., et al. 2008. Kv1.3 channels in postganglionic sympathetic neurons: expression, function, and modulation.. Am The Journal of Physiology Regul Integr Comp Physiol., R733-R740.
Additional Publications: Unspecified
PMID Publication
24723263Dufour, M.A., et al. 2014. Somatodendritic ion channel expression in substantia nigra pars compacta dopaminergic neurons across postnatal development.. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 981-999.
22987820Yamada, J., et al. 2013. Novel objective classification of reactive microglia following hypoglossal axotomy using hierarchical cluster analysis.. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1184-1201.

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