Primary Antibodies

3102 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 3102 products
Immunohistochemistry of the ventricular zone of E14.5 mouse medulla showing specific staining of Musashi-1. Image taken at 200x magnification. The sections were 4% PFA fixed,  paraffin-embedded and cut at 5 microns.Immunocytochemistry of human neural rosettes showing specific staining of Musashi-1 in green. Nuclei are counterstained blue (DAPI). Cells were fixed with 4 percent PFA. No antigen retrieval was done.
Western Blot of rat brain lysate showing specific immunolabeling of monomeric and dimeric forms of mGluR2/3.
Simple Western of HeLa lysate showing specific immunolabeling of the ~ 56 kDa PINK1 protein.  Western Blot of C-terminally V5His-tagged human PINK1 or N-terminally myc-tagged human PINK1 expressed in HEK293T cells showing specific immunolabeling of PINK1.
Western Blot of Lane 1: NIH3T3 cells. Lane 2: NIH3T3 cells transfected with NOL3. Lane 3: Recombinant ARC. Lane 4: Recombinant NOL3 showing specific immunolabeling of ARC/NOL3.
Western Blot of MCF-7 whole cell lysate (15 ug) showing specific immunolabeling of BRCAA1
Western Blot of MCF-7 whole cell lysate (15 ug) showing specific immunolabeling of NABC1.
Western Blot of purified EAPII protein (a) and Human Cancer cell line (b) showing specific immunolabeling of ETS1 associated protein II.
Western Blot showing specific immunolabeling of Ly-6K in KK47 human bladder carcinoma cells, LY-6K siRNA, but not scrambled siRNA knocked down Ly-6K expression. A GAPDH antibody was used as a protein loading control. Data courtesy of Masuda et al.Western Blot of Ly6K protein with GST-tag, non-transfected control HEK293T cells, HEK293T cells transfected with Ly6K-GFP construct showing specific immunolabeling of Ly6K.
Western Blot of Flag-DPP10 in transfected CHO cells showing specific immunolabeling of DPP10. The expected MW is 75 kDa; however, oligermization and differential glycosylation produces other bands as observed with other DPP family members.
Western Blot of 30 ug of normal human bladder mucosa (lane 1) and urothelial carcinoma (lane 2) showing specific immunolabeling of TERE1.
Immunohistochemistry of mouse inner ear frozen sections showing specific staining of GLUT10 at 1:200 dilution. Sections were incubated with secondary (anti-rabbit Cy3, 1:400) RT 1 hr. Slides mounted with fluoromont G and examined under a confocal microscope. Strong immunoreactivity (red) is observed in the inner and outer hair cells and basilar membrane. Spiral ganglion neurons display moderate staining.Western Blot showing specific immunolabeling of GLUT10 in Lane 1: 10ug of protein from liver  Lane 2: 10ug of protein from cochlea (E18) Lane 3: 10ug of protein from cochlea (P7)  Lane 4: 10ug of protein from cochlea (P10)  Lane 5: 10ug of protein from cochlea (P14)  Lane 6: 10ug of protein from cochlea (P17)  Lane 7: 10ug of protein from cochlea (P60)  Lane 8: 10ug of protein from cochlea (1 Year).
Western Blot of GST-hSAP30L fusion protein in NIH3T3 cells (Lane 1), wild-type transfected hSAP30L  (Lane 2), and endogenous hSAP30L in non-transfected MCF-7 cells showing specific immunolabeling of SAP30L.
Western Blot of HEK293 cells with DJ-1/V5 fusion, and mouse brain lysates showing specific immunolabeling of Park7(DJ-1).
Immunoprecipitation showing detection of Ku80 in either CHO or A549 nuclear extracts (NE) or  cytoplasmic lysates (cyto).  A Ku80 deficient cell lysate, XRS, was used as a negative control.Western Blot of 50 ug lysates of A431 (lane 1) and AR42J (lane 2) cells showing specific immunolabeling of Ku80.
Immunoprecipitation of Ku80 in either CHO or A549 nuclear extracts (NE) or cytoplasmic lysates (cyto). A Ku80 deficient cell lysate, XRS, was used as a negative control.Western blot of T47D cells (left) and HeLa cells (right) showing specific immunolabeling of the ~80 kDa Ku protein at a dilution of 1:500.
Western Blot of 20 ug of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line NCI-H322 lysate showing specific immunolabeling of Kindlin.
Western Blot of 100 ng of Rattin peptide and  50 ug of 293 T cell lysates transfected with plasmids encoding GFP-Rattin showing specific immunolabeling of Rattin.
Western Blot of 100 ng of synthetic Humanin peptide and 50 ug of 293 T cell lysates transfected with plasmids encoding GFPc1 or GFP-Humanin showing specific immunolabeling of Humanin.

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