Monoclonal Antibodies

2130 products

Showing 25 - 48 of 2130 products
Adult rat cerebellum immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Immunoblot versus adult rat brain membranes (RBM), and adult mouse hippocampal membranes (MBM) from Kv3.1/Kv3.3 double knockout and WT mice (mouse samples courtesy of Dr. Rolf Joho).
Immunofluorescence staining of adult wild-type (WT) and Kv4.2 knockout (Kv4.2-/-) mouse hippocampus with K57/1 (red) and Kv2.1 rabbit (green).Immunoblot against crude brain membranes from adult rat (RBM) and wild-type (MBM-WT) and Kv4.2 knockout (MBM-Kv4.2-KO) mice probed with K57/1 (left) or K89/41 (right) TC supe.
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with HA-tagged NSD1, NSD2, NSD3 or untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N312/10 (left), 12CA5 (middle) and K89/34 (right).
NeuroMab Anti-NSD1 Antibody
Sale priceFrom $135
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Tissue and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of rat brain membrane (RBM) and COS cells transiently transfected with untagged Cav1.2, Cav1.3 or Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N263/31 (left) and L57/46 (right) TC supe.TIRF images (top row), super-resolution GSD localization maps (middle row) and binarized images (bottom row) of immunostained CaV1.2 (cat. 75-257, 1:200) channels and β1ARs in representative fixed adult ventricular myocytes isolated from WT mice under control (A) or ISO-stimulated conditions (B). Merged two-channel image showing relative distributions of CaV1.2 and β1ARs is shown in the third column with the colocalized binarized image. Image from publication CC-BY-4.0. PMID:37438479
Immunoblot against crude C. elegans worm extracts and crude brain membranes from adult rat (RBM) probed with K28/86 TC supe.Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
NeuroMab Anti-Pan-MAGUK Antibody
Sale priceFrom $135
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Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.Immunofluorescence of cultured hippocampal neurons with N87/25 (red) and GABA-A-R-Gamma2 rabbit polyclonal (green). Images courtesy of Angel de Blas (University of Connecticut).
Immunolabeling of postnatal 14 mouse hippocampus specifically labeling Kv1.1 (Cat no 75-007, 1:200, green) and Ankyrin G (red). DNA labeled with DAPI. Mice were transcardially perfused with ice-cold 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS, then brain removed and postfixed overnight. The 50 uM slices were floating sections, where antigen retrieval was performed with sodium citrate at 80 C for 30 minutes before immunolabeling. Images from J. Ramirez-Franco and O. El Far, Aix-Marseille Université and INSERM.Adult rat brain hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and of COS-1 cells transfected with GFP- HCN1, GFP-HCN2 or Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N71/37 (left), K89/34 (middle) or a control (right) TC supe.Immunoblots on brain membranes prepared from whole rat (RBM) and mouse (MBM) brain, and from human cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] and hippocampus [HBM(H)].
Adult rat whole brain immunohistochemistry.Immunoblot against crude membrane fractions from whole mouse (MBM) or rat (RBM) brain and from human hippocampus [HBM(H)], cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] or cerebellum [HBM(Cb)] and probed with K69/3 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe.
Adult rat hippocampus CA1 immunohistochemistry.Adult rat medial vestibular nucleus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Immunoblot versus adult rat brain membranes (RBM), and adult mouse hippocampal membranes (MHM) from SAP102 knockout and WT mice (mouse samples courtesy of Dr. Richard Huganir).
Adult rat retina membrane immunoblot (left) and immunofluorescence (right). Green = N114/10 staining of the inner nuclear, inner plexiform, ganglion cell and optic fiber layers (INL, IPL, GCL, and OFL), where layers are viewed by differential interference contrast microscopy. Data courtesy of Gloria Partida, Tyler Stradleigh, and Andrew Ishida (UCDavis).Adult rat thalamus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat brain membrane immunoblotImmunofluorescence of human frontal cortex with K28/74 (green), rabbit Synapsin-1 (red) and DAPI (blue). Twelve images from 100 nm sections (left) were volume-reconstructed via array tomography (31.5 x 34 x 1.2 mm, right). Image courtesy of Nancy O’Rourke, Nafisa Ghori and Stephen Smith (Stanford).
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Immunoblot against crude membrane fractions from whole mouse (MBM) or rat (RBM) brain and from human hippocampus [HBM(H)], cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] or cerebellum [HBM(Cb)] and probed with L20/8 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe.
Electron micrograph shows K75/41 immunolabelling in the hippocampus using a pre-embedding immunogold method. Immunogold particles (arrows) were observed along the extrasynaptic plasma membrane of dendritic shafts (Den) of interneurons establishing synaptic contacts with excitatory axon terminals (b). Scale bar = 500 nm. Courtesy Dr. Rafael Lujan (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Immunoblot against crude membranes prepared from whole rat (RBM) and mouse (MBM) brain and human cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)], cerebellum [HBM(Cb)], and hippocampus [HBM(H)] probed with N52A/42 TC supe.Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Immunofluorescence staining of adult dorsal root ganglion sections from TrpV1 WT and -/- mice with N221/17 TC supe (red), Kv1.2 rabbit polyclonal (green) and Hoechst nuclear stain (blue). Images courtesy of Matthew Rasband (Baylor College of Medicine).Adult rat spinal cord dorsal horn immunohistochemistry.

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