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3548 products

Showing 2305 - 2328 of 3548 products
Western Blot of 50ug of human heart lysate showing specific immunolabeling of PRG3.
Mouse fibroblast cultures transfected with a recombinant fragment of the mouse prion protein (green staining). Non-infected cells show labeled nuclei (blue staining) due to treatment with Hoechst stain.
Western blot of GST recombinant human full-length prion protein that was untreated (lanes 1 and 3) or phosphorylated with Cdk5/p25 (lanes 2 & 4). Endogenous prion phosphorylation was examined in human PC3 cells untreated (lanes 5 & 7) or treated with Calyculin A (100 nM) for 30 min (lanes 6 & 8). The blots were probed with anti-Prion protein (3F4) (lanes 1, 2, 5, & 6) or anti-Prion protein (Ser-43) (lanes 3, 4, 7, & 8).
Immunoblot against crude membranes from whole mouse (MBM) or rat (RBM) brain and from human hippocampus [HBM(H)], cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] or cerebellum [HBM(Cb)] probed with N456/39 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe.
Adult mouse DRG was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, cryostat-sectioned, and then stained for PAP immunoreactivity (1:500 dilution), showing immunoreactive material in primary sensory neurons. Photomicrograph by Dr. Mark Zilka, Univ. of North Carolina.Adult mouse spinal cord was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, paraffin-embedded and sectioned, and then sections were stained for PAP immunoreactivity (1:500 dilution). Adjacent sections were co-stained for IB4 and Calcitonin Gene-Related Protein (CGRP) (other sensory neuronal markers). Photomicrograph by Dr. Mark Zilka, University of North Carolina.
Western Blot of metastatic adenocarcinoma LNCaP.FGC cell lysate showing specific immunolabeling of Prostein.
Immunohistochemistry photomicrograph of PLP immunoreactivity (green; 1:1000 dilution) in a cryostat section of an embryonic (e18) mouse brain. Blue is DAPI nuclear counterstain. Western blot shows a single band in adult mouse brain lysate, 27 ug loaded, 10% gel. Hoda Ilias, Aves Labs.
Immunofluorescence staining of cultured rat hippocampal neurons with K28/43 (green) and K57/1 (red, Kv4.2).Electron micrograph of K28/43 hippocampal labelling using a post-embedding immunogold method. Immunoparticles (arrows) are seen in the postsynaptic densities of dendritic spines (s) forming asymmetrical synapses with axon terminals (b). Scale bar = 200 nm. Image courtesy of Rafael Lujan (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).
NeuroMab Anti-PSD-95 Antibody
Sale priceFrom $135
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