Primary Antibodies

3534 products

Showing 3409 - 3432 of 3534 products
Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
NeuroMab Anti-RGS14 Antibody
Sale priceFrom $139
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Immunolabeling of mouse hippocampus identifying GKAP (Anti-SAPAP, Cat no 75-156, green). Nuclear staining done with DAPI.  Image kindly provided by Huaye Zhang, Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Adult RBM and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with Flag-tagged SAPAP1, SAPAP4 or untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N127/31 TC supe.
Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with HA-tagged Kir2.2 or untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N124B/38 TC supe.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Immunoblots versus crude adult rat brain membranes (RBM) and brain extracts from Thorase WT and KO mice and probed with N125/10 (left) and N52A/42 (right) TC supe. Samples courtesy of Dr. Jianmin Zhang, Dr. Ted Dawson and Dr. Valina Dawson, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Transfected cell immunofluorescence: COS cells expressing Myc-tagged human Haspin. Red = rabbit anti-Myc, Green = N128A/2, Blue = Hoechst nuclear stain.Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transfected with Myc- tagged human Haspin and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N128A/2 (left) and K89/41 (right) tissue culture supernatant.
Serial dilutions of BSA-conjugated modified and unmodified peptides dotted onto membrane and probed with N123/19 TC supe (left) and a mouse loading control (right).
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Serial dilutions of BSA-conjugated modified and unmodified peptides dotted onto membrane and probed with N123/48 TC supe (left) and a mouse loading control (right).
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transiently transfected with untagged Kv2.1 and Flag-tagged DNMT3L, DNMT3A and DNMT3B plasmids and probed with N117/9 TC supe (left) and mouse anti-Flag (right).Transfected cell immunofluorescence: COS cells expressing Myc-tagged human DNMT3L. Red = rabbit anti-Myc, Green = N117/9, Blue = Hoechst nuclear stain.
Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with Myc- tagged Botch1 and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N116/14 (left panel) and K89/34 (right panel) TC supe.Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat retina membrane immunoblot (left) and immunofluorescence (right). Green = N114/10 staining of the inner nuclear, inner plexiform, ganglion cell and optic fiber layers (INL, IPL, GCL, and OFL), where layers are viewed by differential interference contrast microscopy. Data courtesy of Gloria Partida, Tyler Stradleigh, and Andrew Ishida (UCDavis).Adult rat thalamus immunohistochemistry.
Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of RBM and COS cells transiently transfected with HA-tagged Kir2.1 or untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N112B/14 (left) and K89/41 (right) TC supe.
Transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of COS cells transfected with GFP-tagged MPP8 and untagged Kv2.1 plasmids and probed with N119/44 (left panel) and K89/34 (right panel) TC supe.Transfected cell immunofluorescence: COS cells expressing GFP-tagged human MPP8. Red = N119/44, Green = GFP, Blue = Hoechst nuclear stain.
Immunoblot versus crude cardiac mitochondrial preps from WT, Mfn2 KO Mfn1 KO mice and probed with N111/24 TC supe. Samples courtesy of Dr. Suzanne Hoppins, Dr. Laura Lackner and Dr. Jodi Nunnari, UCDavis.
Immunoblot against brain membranes from adult rat (RBM) or from Slo2.1 knockout (MBM-Slo2.1 KO) or wild-type (MBM-WT) mice probed with N11/33 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe. Mouse brains courtesy of Chris Lingle (Washington University).Adult rat hippocampal immunohistochemistry.
Adult mouse brain membrane (MBM) and transfected cell immunoblot: extracts of MBM and COS cells transiently transfected with Neuroligin-1, -2, -3, -4 and -4* plasmids and probed with N110/29 TC supe. Data courtesy of Marc Bolliger and Tom Sudhof, UTSW (now at Stanford).Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
Immunoblot against crude membranes from whole mouse (MBM) or rat (RBM) brain and from human hippocampus [HBM(H)], cerebral cortex [HBM(Cx)] or cerebellum [HBM(Cb)] probed with N105/17 (left) or N52A/42 (right) TC supe.Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.
NeuroMab Anti-Ankyrin-B Antibody
Sale priceFrom $139
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Adult rat hippocampus immunohistochemistry.Adult rat brain membrane immunoblot.
Adult rat brain membrane (RBM) immunoblot.Surface expression of SNAT1 and SNAT2 in HCC1806 cells starved of amino acids over 24 h. Image from publication CC-BY-4.0. PMID:36210829

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